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"Welcome to Seattle-Tacoma international Airport. The local time is 2:30pm and the current temperature is around 65 degrees. If this is your final destination, your baggage can be found at carousel 3, and if you're visiting, please a joy your stay, and if this is home, welcome back." The captain says over the speakers.

"Mama!" Ellis coos right after. I bounce her in my lap as the plane begins to descend.
"Mer, you okay?" Nathan asks.
"Yeah. Can you take Ellis while we descend please?" I ask. He takes her and I clench the arm rests until we hit the pavement of the runway.

We taxi to the gate and the plane empties out. We wait until most of the passes gets are off before we gather our stuff and get off.
We get to ground transportation and non other than Cristina Yang is waiting for us with a mini van.

"Auntie Crissy!" Zola screams and runs to Cristina.
"Hi Zozo!  How was Disney?"
"So much fun!  Did mommy tell you me and Bailey and Ellis are going to have a baby sister?" Zola says.
"She did!  And her name is going to be Alexandra?"
"Yeah!  It was my idea!" Zola says proudly.
"Its a wonderful name." Cristina says and puts Zola gently back on her feet.
"Hey Cris, I thought you were coming out after we got back?"
"Eh I grabbed an earlier flight and had Alex pick me up.  I have so much to tell you."
"Me too.  How about we get into the car and drive to Nathan's and you can stay there with us." I say.
"Okay. Just tell me where to go." Cristina says. She helps us load the kids and luggage into the car and we sit in the front and Nathan sits in the back with Bailey and Ellis. Zola is in the third row of the van and loving it.

We chat all the way to Nathan's house, which is about 2 blocks from my mother's house.

"Alright kids! Let's go find your rooms!" Nathan says and leads Zola, Bailey and Ellis in.

"So you're pregnant." I say to Cristina.
"I think so. Probably around 8 weeks." She says.
"Well I'm around 16 weeks pregnant." I say.  This last vacation I started showing a little bit, which is good. 
"Wow, I would have thought less. Your bump is so tiny!" She says.
"Well I can still wear the same clothes as before I was pregnant but they're getting tighter." I say. "And my bump is much smaller than with Bailey but the morning sickness has been so much worse. Saltines and gingerale have been what I'm eating for the past two months. Guess this baby really hates food. But I don't get sick when I smell coffee any more, so that's good."
"Ugh don't talk about coffee." Cristina says.
"Let's get you to the hospital and do an ultrasound and see what we're working with." I say.
"Nathan babe, where are the keys for your truck?"
"Honey, you're holding them." Nathan says slowly.
"Shit that's right.  Okay let's go." I say 

We drive to the hospital and go inside.

"Dr Yang?" April says.
"Kepner." Cristina says.
"It's been a while! How are you?" April says in that perky voice.
"I've been better. It's good to be back though.  Looks like not much has changed."
"Yeah well it has."  April says and walks away.
"What's she talking about?" Cristina asks.
"Nevermind her.  Let's find an exam room." I say.

We find one and go inside. I draw her blood for analysis and set up the machine.

"Its going to be a bit cold." I say as I love the gel around with the wand.
It seems to be hard getting a picture but then j find it. 
"Hold on a minute. I'm just going to grab Arizona." I say and run to the nurses station to page her.

"You paged Grey?" She asks, gliding around the corner.
"Yeah. I need a consult on a pregnant woman in exam room 5. I seem to be seeing twins but it can't be right.  Can it?" I say. 
"Let's go check it out." She says.

"Hello, Ms Yang, wait, Cristina?"
"Yep. It's me.  Just get on with it." She says.
"Alright. Yep, Meredith you were right." Arizona says.
"What no I can't be." I say.
"Congratulations Yang, you're pregnant with twins!  I'd say you're at around 8 weeks pregnant so if out your due date around September 20th." Arizona says and wipes the gel off.
"Shit." Cristina says.
"I have to tell the father. He's here in this hospital right now probably." She says.
"Wait, is it who I think it is?" I ask.
"Probably.  Arizona, can you give us a minute please?" Cristina asks.
"Sure.  I'll go grab the copies of the ultrasound for you." She says and walks out of the room.

"He was in Zurich 2 months ago for a conference at my hospital.  I didn't want him to stay in a shitty hotel so I decided to ask if he wanted to stay with me. Bad idea. We had sex that night and he was gone before I woke up." Cristina says softly.
"Was it a certain ginger who you married then divorced?" I ask.
Her silence was all I needed.
"Cristina!  You need to tell him!  He's getting married to Amelia in three weeks. When's your flight back?" I ask.
"I booked a one way ticket. I have the hospital to Ross. He can manage." She says.  "I'm here to stay."
"Well you need to tell him now." I say. 
"I can't. I can't just bounce back into his life and demand to be taken back in just because I'm having his kid!" She shouts.
"Fine. Then I'll tell him if you won't." I say.
"It's not your place, Mer."
"Then I'll go with you to tell him." I say.
"Fine. But let's get food first. I'm starving and you have to be as well." She says.

We go down to the cafeteria and grab food and a table. 
"Meredith!  Where have you been?  Owen has been looking for you all day!" Amelia says running over.
"I've uh been at home catching up with Cristina." I say.
"Hi I'm Cristina Yang. You must be Amelia Shepard, Derek's little sister." Cristina say, getting up and reaching her hand out.
"You.  You're Owen's ex-wife. He told me about you.  How you don't want kids.  How you ran away to Switzerland without a glance back."  Amelia says coldly.
"So I hear you've heard all good things." Cristina says in the same time of voice.
With that, Amelia walks away.

"Well she's just peachy." Cristina says and sits back down.
"Let's finish lunch then find the father." I say.  We eat then go down to the Pit to see if he's there.

"Grey! Trauma room 1!" Owen shouts.
I go in and see Zola laying there, covered in blood.  I walk out. 
"Owen what the hell?  You know family can't work on family.  Have Cristina go in." I say.
"Cristina's here?  Where?" He asks.
"Cris! Trauma 1! It's Zola." I say.
She runs in and starts doing the physical exam for chest wounds and lung sounds.

"Collapsed lung and broken rib. She has a broken wrist too. It after Callie splints that, Zola should be fine.  What happened?"
"No idea." I say just as Nathan walks by.

"What happened to my kid?" I scream across the pit.
"Calm down. Bailey pulled a bookshelf down and it fell on top of Zola." Nathan says. I break down in tears. 
"Nathan." Owen says.
"Do you not remember what we talked about?" Owen says coldly.
"I remember, I'm just choosing to ignore it.  I love Meredith.  I love Zola, Bailey, Ellis and eventually Alexandra as my own. Now if you don't want us to be together, that's fine. I don't need your approval.  If you think I'm betraying Meghan then you can deal with that. But she's not coming back.  I need to move on and I've found where I'm happy.  Now back off and leave me and my fiancee alone." Nathan barks at Owen.

"Owen, can we talk?" Cristina says.
"In private."

They go to an on call room and I hear shouting at first then I hear sounds that they've made up. 

"Hey who's enjoying themselves in there?" Amelia says sneaking up.
"I uh, don't know." I say as it continues. It stops and the door cracks open. Cristina walks out, her hair in a bun and walks down the hall as if nothing happened.
Just as Amelia turns away, Owen comes out. 
"Dr Hunt!" Alex says running over.  "I need you to sign off on Zola Grey-Riggs for moving her to peds from trauma."
"Owen?" Amelia whispers. "And Cristina?"

Meredith and Nathan: A future  *completed*Where stories live. Discover now