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After our little rendez-vous in the attending's lounge, we tidy up and go find our residents and their duckling interns.
"Dr Wilson, present please."  I tell Jo.
"Mr Jones, 56, hip fracture three weeks ago, and acute kidney failure. Dr Torres will operate to fix the hip, while Dr Grey will find a kidney to transplant. Any questions, Mr Jones?" Jo asks.
"How risky is the hip operation?  I know hip fractures are bad, but what else can Dr Torres do?" Mr Jones asks.
"I will take a couple x-rays, and an MRI to see how extensive the bone and muscle damage is, then we will make a plan from there, sir." Callie says.
"And the transplant surgery, Dr Grey. That won't take place at the same time as the hip surgery, right?"
"No, it won't. We will keep you on dialysis until we find a match. But that could only be hours, or it could take weeks." I tell Mr Jones.
"Alright. Well, how close am I to the top of the list?"
"Very near the top. UNOS will contact us the second they find a kidney with the same blood type as you." Jo says.
"Thank you. I think that's all I was wondering about now. Oh, since you'll need to take blood, do I need to fast, or will it be fine the way it is now?" Mr Jones asks.
"No, it's fine as it is now. Thank you for the consideration, Mr Jones."  I tell him.
Me and the interns file out of the patients room, and we all go to an X-Ray screening room.

"So the hip fracture will be able to be fixed with some pin and plates. I will also have to do a hip replacement because the cartilage is also very worn down. Meredith, Jo, how's the kidney coming along?" Callie asks.
"Good. I put in the call to UNOS just now." Jo says as she hangs up the phone.
"Great. Keep us posted on the kidney, alright?" Callie says and leaves.

My pager goes off, and it's a 311. Nathan.

I go to the nearest nurses station and ask for Riggs.
I get pointed to an on call room.

"Hey." I hear as I step into the small room.
"Hey. Is this a booty call?"  I ask.
"So that's what you call it." Nathan says, kissing my neck.
I bring my hand to his chin and house his lips to mine.
The kisses start off like little, Junior High kisses. Sweet and innocent. They soon get more passionate and his hands start creeping under my scrub top while mine are running through his hair.

While Nathan is very much like Derek, Derek will forever be my first true love.

"Can we become a thing?" I ask quietly between kisses.
"I thought you'd never ask."  Nathan says, and picks me up and we land on one of the beds.

•45 minutes later•
"We've got to stop doing this in the hospital." I say, reaching for my top as Nathan laid there, watching me.
"Hmm. How about you come over to my place tonight. I can make you dinner, or we could get take out and watch a movie." He suggests.
"That sounds fun. I can't tell Maggie though, or else she'd never talk to me again. She really likes you.  And she hates me because I-" I get stopped short.
"You what?"
"I really like you. A lot."  I say.
"Like. Not love?" Nathan asks.
I hesitate, because I really don't want to rush anything.  There's also Zola, Bailey and Ellis to think about too.  I don't want to start anything and mess it up when they're involved too.  I think I'm starting to love him. More than I let on, and much more than I hoped.

I give him a kiss and walk out of the on call room.
"Meredith, I've been paging Dr Riggs. Do you know where he is?" Dr Bailey asks.
"No, why would I?"  I say, taking a tablet and walk away.

"Jo, do we have a match yet?" I ask her.
"No-" she starts to say but her phones starts to ring.

"Hello- yes. We will be over in less than an hour. Thank you." Jo says into her phone.
"We got a kidney?" I assume.
"Yeah. It's at Seattle Pres." Jo says.
"Great. Then we'll take an ambulance. I'll go tell the ER so you can get the supplies." I tell Jo.
"Great. I'll be right back." Jo says and runs off to grab a bag and cooler.
"Hey April, can you call and ambulance?  We're going to Seattle Pres to get a kidney."
"Yeah. It'll be here in a minute." April says.
"Heard you guys were going to Seattle Pres. Can I tag along?"  A deep voice says behind me.
"Sure. Jo is going to get a bag and cooler and the ambulance will be here soon." I tell Nathan.
"I'm back. Is the truck here yet?" Jo asks.
"N-" I start just as the sound of the truck is there. "It is now. Let's move people." I say and we pile into the back of the truck.

Meredith and Nathan: A future  *completed*Where stories live. Discover now