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Short A/N:  I just wanted to thank @lovethedream11  for my next idea!  I hope y'all like it!  

Meredith's POV
I walk into the hospital, tired after a long night with the kids and then Derek showing up and making things worse.  I see interns running all over the place and things being shouted across the ER.  

"Dr Grey!  You're here!"  a blond intern says running up to me.  
"What do we have?"  I say, putting my stuff down and slipping a trauma gown and gloves on.  
"65 year old male, fell while gardening and couldn't get up."  The EMT says, as we transfer the patient to a gurney.  "BP and rhythms okay in the field, but complaining of abdominal pain and a headache."  
"Okay, what's you name, doctor?"  I ask the intern. 
"Taryn Helm.  Dr Helm."  she stutters.  
"Okay, Dr Helm, what should we do?"  I ask.  
"Well, if BP and rhythms were okay in the field, I say bring him to CT and get a CT of his head to look for a concussion, and a CT of his abdomen to look for bleeding?"  Dr Helm says shyly.  
"Exactly.  We also want to check for any hip injuries, because he could be bleeding internally."  I say.  

"Mr Smith, do you feel any pain in your hips?"  I ask the patient.
"Yeah, my right hip is killing me."  Mr Smith says.  
"Okay.  We're going to get a CT scan of your head to look for a concussion, a CT of your belly area to look for internal bleeding from the fall, and an x-ray of your hip to look for any breaks.  Sound good?"  I say.  
"Sounds good.  Let's go."  Mr Smith says.  

Taryn and I take the patient up to radiology and get all the scans, which take a couple hours.  

"Dr Helm, look here.  What do you see in the CT scan?"  I ask.  The images of Mr Smith's brain just came up.  
"I see a small subdural bleed, but that should resolve itself.  I think we should keep him for observation for 24 hours to see if it clears up."  she says.  
"Good.  Now the scans for the abdomen.  Do you see anything?"  I ask.  
"I see, is that the spleen that's bleeding?"  Dr Helm asks.  
"Yes, good catch.  Do we let this try to resolve itself too, or do we do a surgery?"  I ask.  
"Splenectomy.  The bleed is too big to resolve itself.  If it was going to, it would have already done so."  Dr Helm says.  
"Excellent. Now let's get Mr Smith to X-Ray to look at his hip." I say.
"Alright. Wht not an MRI though?  Wouldn't we see more?" Dr Helm asks.
"No, because are we dealing with soft tissue or bone?" I ask not even bothering to look away from the scans.
"Oh right. I'm sorry. X-Ray. Of course. Momentary lapse of judgment. I'll call X-Ray and let them know we're coming." Dr Hell says.
"Alright Mr Smith, we're done here. We're going to take you to X-Ray no2, and that ought to take 10 minutes.  After that, we will bring you back up to your room and talk about test results. Sounds good?" I say into the microphone.
"Sounds good doc." Mr Smith says.

We take the X-Rays and then a nurse brings him back to his room while I talk with Callie and Taryn.

"Okay, so he has a hip fracture. I need to go in and fix that." Callie says.
"Okay. Taryn, how would the hip surgery work?" I ask.
Tatum goes through the repair while I further look over the CT scans of the abdomen.

"Dr Helm, since the patient needs hip surgery and a splenectomy, and needs to stay for observation, what order do you suggest we do the surgeries?" I ask.
"You're trusting this to an intern?" Callie asks.
"They need to learn. If we tell them what to do but not why, they won't learn.  This is how they learn." I say.  "Dr Helm?"
"Splenectomy while monitoring for changes in brain pressure for the concussion. Then based on recovery after that, we do the hip surgery either day of or 18 hours later to give the body time to heal." Dr Helm says.
"Great. Now, let's go talk to Mr Smith.  You'll present the case, and tell Mr Smith the course of action." I say.  "But give me an hour, I need to get some coffee and food.  I suggest you do the same if we're doing the surgery today."
"Yes Dr Grey." Taryn says. 

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