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Meredith's POV
"Hey Mer, are you alright to be doing this surgery? You do have to take it easy, being pregnant and all." Nathan says.
"I'm fine babe. With Bailey I worked up until my due date, and that was during a super storm. I'll be fine on my feet for a 7 hour surgery." I say, rubbing his arm.

I go scrub in with Dr Bailey and Dr Webber.
"Grey, shouldn't you be resting?" Dr Bailey says.
"I'm fine, you were able to save me and B, and I was fine working with Ellis and I'm fine now. Ugh Nathan just asked me the same thing." I say.
"Just asking Grey. If you need a break, just let me know. Richard is observing, so he can get in if you need." Dr Bailey says.
"Thanks. But I'll be fine." I say.

We go into the surgery, which is conjoined twins, and we're in charge of separating and distributing the internal organs so each twin has about the same of everything.

In the next rotation, Amelia is separating their spinal columns and making sure leg function is as it should be.

Throughout the whole procedure, Owen and April are on standby in case they need to jump in.

"Dr B, I need to tag out." I say.
"Is everything alright, Grey?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine." I say.

I take off my mask and gloves and cover thing and leave the OR. I feel the baby kicking, which feels more like a flutter.  I remember that with Bailey and with Ellis, but every time it's something else. It feels so special.

"I thought you were in surgery?  It's only been 4 hours." Nathan says, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Uh yeah. I'll be sitting the rest of it out. Here, come feel this." I say, holding my hand out.

I place his hand on my bump and move it around a bit until little Alexandra starts kicking again.

"Is that?" Nathan whispers.
"Yep. That's our little girl." I say, a smile taking over my face.
"Oh my gosh. This is the best feeling ever." Nathan says.  He crouches down and starts talking to the baby.

"Alexandra, I need you to be nice to mommy and let her work, okay?  She can't do this for much longer before she has to have time off before you're born. I'm so excited to meet you, and I can't wait to hold you, but don't rush anything, okay sweetie?  Daddy loves you very much." Nathan says.
"Honey, k don't think she can understand that." I say.
"I've read that if you talk to the baby, that they become used to your voice and recognise you. They also are easier to sooth when they hear the voice of someone." Nathan says.
"Where did you read all this?" I ask.
"Oh uh a magazine that was in the dentist office the other day when I went." He says blushing slightly.
"Don't be embarassed, I'm actually quite impressed." I say. I run my hand along the small bump and feel Alexandra kicking.
"I'm going to get some food, want to join me?" I ask.
"Sure." He says, taking my hand.  We walk down to the cafeteria and grab salads and I grab some chips and a coffee too.

"Coffee? Aren't you only supposed to have 1 cup per day?" Nathan asks.
"This morning I had regular coffee, this is decaf." I say.
"Okay, just making sure babe." Nathan says.

We sit and eat our food, then I go back to the OR to check in.

"Grey!  Get back in here.  We got an hour left and really need your brain." Bailey shouts the second she sees me.

I scrub back in, the nurse gowns and gloves me, and I go help Bailey.

"What do you need help with?" I ask, looking into the body cavity. I turn away slightly, getting nauseous.
"Grey, you okay?" Bailey asks.
"Yeah.  Yeah. I'm fine. Just a little queasy.  I guess this baby doesn't like blood." I say.
"You're pregnant?" Dr Webber asks.
Bailey and I look at him, and look back at each other. 
"Yeah, I thought it was obvious. I'm 22 weeks." I say.
"Oh. I had no idea. Congratulations Grey. Now, see that vessel there?  We have to figure out how to separate them without causing the twins to bleed out." Dr Webber says.
"Sounds good. Bohkey, cauterizer please." I say and hold my hand out.  We finish our part of the surgery and we go and update the twins family.

"Mr and Mrs Klein?" I say.
"Yes?  Are Becky and Allie okay?  Can we see them now?" Mrs Klein asks.
"Mrs Klein, your daughters are still in surgery but we have finished separating their internal organs. This last if the surgery went very smoothly and as we speak, Dr Shepard and her team are working on their spinal column.  That part should last a few more hours, and remember, no news is good news. That means that the doctors are working really hard. Now you can sleep, go to the cafeteria, or grab a cup of coffee, but please don't worry too much about them. Dr Shepard is very good at what she does." Dr Bailey assures them.
"Thank you so much. Bert, come on. Let's go get some food.  Thank you Dr Bailey, Dr Grey, Dr Webber."  Mrs Klein says, getting up and dragging her husband to the cafeteria.

"Hey, ready to go home?" Nathan asks. He has the kids with him.
"Yeah, I just have to finish this one note." I say slowly. I press a few buttons on the computer and hit the check mark in the corner and give the tablet to a nurse at the counter.

"Ready. Bailey, how was your day?" I ask.
"Good mommy. I made this picture for you!" He says and holds up a rudimentary drawing. 
"Oh, can you tell me who these people are?" I ask. Sometimes it can be hard to tell.
"That's you, and that's daddy, and that's Zozo, and that's me, and that's Ellis." Bailey says going through all the stick figures.
"It's so great B, I think we need to frame this in our new house. What do you think?  That way every day, we can look at it and think of everyone." I say.
"Yay!" Bailey says. He reaches his hands up, and I pick him up because Nathan has Ellis.
"Babe, should you be carrying him?" Nathan asks softly.
"As long as it's not far distances, it's fine." I say.
"You said you were fine today too when you had to tag out of surgery.  Let me take B." Nathan says.
"Hey buddy, how about you go spend a bit of time with Daddy, okay?" I say and hand him off to Nathan.

We walk to the car and drive to get Zola from school.

"Mom!  Look what I made!" Zola says handing me a 3D paper house structure (A/N: I used to make those all the time, it's super fun). 
"This is so cool Zola. Did you have fun at school today?" I ask as she buckles in her seat.
"Yup!  I even made friends with someone today!  His name is Ben and his aunt works at Grey Sloan!  He said her name is April?" Zola says.
"April Kepner, trauma surgeon. She's pretty awesome." I say.
"Yeah. Ben asked if I wanna go over to his house for a play date on Saturday. Can I go mom?  Please?" Zola asks.  Usually she just asks to see Sofia but this is new and exciting.
"Of course honey. I'll ask April how to contact Ben's parents." I say pulling out my phone. I send April a quick text, and  y this time we're at home.

We go inside and have a delicious dinner of pasta and meatballs, we watch Moana, and Nathan and I put the kids to bed.

"Hey babe?" I ask.
"I know the nursery is all set up, but don't you think we should have a baby shower?" I say. "To announce that I'm pregnant and so people buy stuff for the baby.  Not that the gifts are the only reason but I didn't with Bailey or Ellis, and we got Zo when she was older."
"Of course you should. Why don't you call Olivia, April, Cristina and a few other friends to help organize it." Nathan says. I'm already in bed, and he comes over and gets in and starts talking to my little bump.
"I'm going to have to go shopping soon to get maternity clothes. My regular clothes are starting to get tight." I say.
"Don't you have stuff from B and El?" Nathan asks.
"Not really. With B, I wore a lot of button up shirts and yoga pants and with Ellis I wore dresses a lot.  But it's starting to get colder here and I can't wear dresses in freezing weather." I say. Winter doesn't get freezing here, but it frosts over and snows a bit. Back in Boston is would snow a ton and it would get wicked humid in the summers.
"Makes sense. We can go register for stuff for the baby shower, and shop for clothes and stuff this weekend while Zola is on her play date.  How does that sound?" Nathan says.
"Perfect. I'll ask Olivia is she can watch B and El." I say.

Olivia Sloan is staying in town for a while... as in she's moving to Seattle and is going to work at Grey Sloan! 

A/N: Hey guys!!!  Thanks a ton for reading and here's another update!  Hope y'all like it and vote, comment, and share!  Xoxo, Kallie Grey

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