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A/N: I'm back!!! Moved into uni, and so excited to start!! Here's a chapter to celebrate getting to 10k reads (it literally made my day). Hope y'all enjoy!! Xoxo Kallie Grey

Nathan's POV
"Hey Cristina, can you help with a baby shower for Meredith? I want it to be a surprise." I say into my phone.
"Of course. We need April, Alex, and Olivia." Cristina says. We talk for a few more minutes then hang up.

"Hey babe. The kids are all at school and day care. I'm so tired and it's only 8am. I'm getting coffee." Meredith says and walks off.
"Hey, let me come with." I say and catch up with her.
"You seem awfully excited for 8am." She says.
"Well, I had an important phone call this morning and I have to get you out of the house from 10am to noon on Saturday." I say.
"And do what? Movies, I always have to pee, and shopping I always have to sit, and driving around sucks because again, baby kicking bladder." She says.
"I thought maybe I can take you to get a light massage and your nails done?" I say.
"Maybe not massage, but pedicure and manicure?" She asks.
"Sure, whatever you want, babe." I say and give her a kiss on the forehead. By this time we have reached the coffee cart.

"Medium coffee please." She says.
"Large coffee please." I say. I had the man the money and we walk away.

My phone rings during an open heart surgery.
"Dr Riggs, your phone says an Olivia Sloan is calling. Do you want to answer?" Bohkey says.
"Yes please." I say. Bohkey connects the call and out it on speaker phone and holds it up to my ear.
"Nathan?" Olivia says.
"It's Meredith. She tripped up the stairs-" I too off my gloves and run upstairs to OB after shouting at someone to close for me.

"Meredith, are you okay?" I shout, running into the room.
"Yes, I'm fine. The baby is fine, right Olivia?" She asks.
"Yes, you were just dehydrated and overworked. I'm putting you on house rest. So you can go around your house, but you need to rest. You can't go grocery shopping or anything too stressful or lift things that are too heavy." Olivia says.
"Okay. Meredith, I'm going to talk to Olivia in the hall." I say leading Olivia into the hall.

"So I don't know how to plan a baby shower, can you talk with Cristina Yang, Alex Karev, and April Kepner about it?"
"Of course. Let me start a group chat so we can figure out everything." Olivia says pulling out her phone. "All set. We'll start planning everything today or tomorrow. Don't worry, Mer won't hear a peep."
"Great, thanks Olivia." I say and head back inside the room.

"I'm going to drive you home, but I do have to work today. Is that okay babe?" I ask.
"Yeah, I'll just be at home nesting." She says.
"Nesting?" I say slowly.
"Yeah. Cleaning, tidying, getting settled. Maybe I'll watch something on Netflix." She says.
"Ahh okay. Well, are you ready to go?" I ask.
"Yeah, just give me a second." She says.

I drive her home and get her settled on the couch.

Meredith's POV
Great. I have a whole day off. Well, days off until the baby comes. Awesome. There's literally only so much cleaning and Netflix I can take.

I go into the kitchen, turn on some music, lately I've been into this German singer named Lina, her song wie ich bin (attached above), and I pop in some earbuds and take a bottle of Windex and go around cleaning all the glass surfaces in the house. I get through the kitchen windows, the livingroom windows, the master room and Zola's room. Lina's music really helps keep the mood light and happy and I forget for a few hours that I'm stuck in the house for the whole day.

I'm super tired by the end of this, so I pull up Netflix on the tv and start watching Friends. It's a perfect way to waste an entire day, and it makes you laugh so much.

After about maybe 5 episodes, I get bored of watching Netflix so I grab my computer and start looking on Pottery Barn and Toys я Us and other baby stores online and add cute clothes and Toys to my cart.

Bring bring bring
"Hey Mer, I was just going to say, if you look at baby stuff, don't buy it. Just add it to a registry." Nathan says.
"Registry? For what? Are you planning a baby shower for me and Alexandra?" I say into the phone.
"No, but I heard a rumor that someone is. So just email my the url for the registration." Nathan says.
"Okay." I say slowly and hang up the phone.

"Something is going on." I say out loud.

"Cristina, hey. Are you planning some sort of baby shower for me?" I ask.
"Seriously. I wouldn't even know how to start." She says.
"True. Have a good day!" I say and hang up.

Next I call Olivia.
"Hey Meredith!" Olivia says.
"Hey Olivia. Are you by chance planning a baby shower for me?" I ask.
"I'm sorry, but I deal with the medical part of my patients lives." Olivia says.
"Okay, thanks." I say and hang up. That's a BS excuse.

"April, hey, are you by chance planning a party with Cristina and Olivia?" I ask.
"Uh no, why would you think that?" April stutters.
"April, I've called Olivia and Cristina and they all said no very calmly. You can't lie, April."
"Damn it. But it's not for you or your baby." April says.

April's POV
Shit. She's into it.
"Really? Because I've heard otherwise." She says.
"Really? Well you must have heard wrong." I say. Cristina and Olivia are looking at each other with a 'why did we trust her with this' look.
"We'll just have to see, won't we." Meredith says.
Each time she called us, we put her on speaker phone so the other 2 could hear what she was saying.

Nathan pops his head in.
"How's the super secret baby shower going?" He asks.
"Uh not too well. Apes here nearly spilled the beans." Cristina says.
"I didn't mean to, she just knows when I'm lying and I can't lie to save my life." I say defensively. 
"Well, y'all better get better at hiding this or she'll see right through all of us." Nathan says.  
"I know Nathan.  Give me a break.  I have this whole deal with Jackson to deal with too-" I get cut off.  

"What issue with Jackson?" Nathan asks.  
"Ugh, so he want's me and Harriet to stay in the apartment but I don't think it's a good idea since we're divorced, and all that but he wants us there."  I say.  
"Well, get yourself an apartment and me and Alex can help y'all move in.  Jackson doesn't even have to know."  Nathan says.
"Jackson doesn't have to know what?"  Jackson says.  He was walking by.
"Shit.  Jackson, I'm moving out.  I don't think it's a good idea since we're officially divorced.  I don't want Harriet getting confused as to why her parents are living together but aren't together.  And I know she won't remember any of this in 10 years but it'll be confusing to tell her."  I say in a long breath.  
"What?  But I want you to stay." He says.
"Jackson, I can't. I already have an apartment and I'm moving in tomorrow. I'm sorry but I need to do this for myself." I say and turn back to Olivia, Cristina and Alex.

"So it should be pink but not super pink." Olivia says.
"Baby pink with white and a light green?" I say.
"I can see that. It looks great." Olivia says.
"Yay!  So I'll get light pink, light green and metallic white balloons. Or matte?" I ask 
"Lets go with metallic."

Nathan's POV
Alex looks like he's rather be anywhere than here.
"Karev, want to scrub in on an open heart surgery?" I ask.
"I'm not- oh yes please. Thanks." He says, getting what I was talking about.

We leave the women talking about baby shower stuff, decorations, games whatnot.

"Bohkey, scalpel please." I say and make the long incision on the patients chest.

Meredith and Nathan: A future  *completed*Where stories live. Discover now