chapter 22: can't

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namjoon's pov

I decided not to go with marks idea, but i asked if he could get me with a company in korea he said he can try but he can't promise me anything. That is totally fine with me but the only thing is telling my dad i need to go back i mean I'm 18 i should be moving out of my dads already. i just i don't want to stay away from eun won for too long shes too beautiful to be alone... but yet i was the one to leave her i don't want to be here any more i hate it i want to go home i want to eat kimchi REAL kimchi ugh i don't know what to do *picks up phone and looks through pictures* my heart started to race i got a lump in my throat i came across the first picture of Park Eun Won i ever took of her i didn't let myself cry but i knew there was no stopping it so i just cried i cried for hours i cried because she was probably happy with some other guy and he gets to see her pretty smile he gets to see her beautiful hair he gets to see her gorgeous face he gets to hold her he gets to kiss her but what if she doesn't move on and i do what if i break her heart what if young-hwa comes back and i fall for her again oh my god i don't know what to do all i know is i cant be away from her any longer i have to go back before I'm too late *namjoons dad walks in his room*

namjoon: *wipes tears fast* "hey dad...what's up"

minjun: why were you crying kiddo? can't stay here any longer....i need to go back home im 18 i need to get a job and this could be my only chance i'll get started as a trainee and i will become something dad please understand that you were always there for me and i love you for that dad you're my hero you know that you were there when no one else was and i hate saying i need to leave but i need to take this chance please don't look at me differently i'll always be your son i'll always be your little boy but just this once i need to go....

minjun: namjoon i could never look at you differently you will always be my little joonie and it will kind of suck not having you here but if it makes you happy then i support you 100% i will always support your decisions weather i disagree or not kiddo you know that i love you kid now come on i hate seeing you cry smile already

namjoon: *smiles then hugs his dad tight" thank you so much dad i wont let you down i'll make you proud i promise and i will try my best to visit you as much as i can

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