chapter 41: our ever after

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Namjoon's POV:

I woke up to see that she was already awake. I walked to the kitchen to see her cooking for everyone. She was staying at the dorm again went back to her place only for clothes. She caught me mid stretch i said "good morning beautiful" while yawning she laughed and said "good morning handsome" i said "what's so funny?" in a funny tone she said "nothing you're just cute right when you wake up" i said "ew no my face is all swollen and my bed head" she said "exactly you look like a baby" i said "yah i'm a grown man" she said "yeah a grown man with a baby face and still laughs at farts" i said "YAH" i chased her around the dorm for about 5 minuets till i finally caught her i carried her bridal style and put her on the couch i hovered over her and i saw her whole face turn red she said "w...what are you d....doing.." i said "nothing pervert" i smirked and put my hands on her waist and started tickling her until she was out of breath i stopped after a while she said "i really don't like you sometimes" i said "well too bad cause i like you all the time" she said "i'm gonna get you back" i said "try me" she got up and went back to cooking she was just about finished with the pancakes bacon and sausage she made for all 8 of us. Jimin walked out of his room and said "yah you woke the whole neighborhood up with your stomping and laughing" we both said "sorry" in unison and laughed Jimin said "wwoooaahh noona you made all of this?!" she said "yup here how many pancakes do you want?"he said "3 thank you you're awesome" she said "no problem" everyone else came out and j hope said "is my mom here it smells like good food" Eun Won and i laughed i got out 7 plates and asked each of them to get what they wanted after they were all done Eun Won and i got our plates served ourselves we sat down and ate before i put the first piece in my mouth i looked at Eun Won and she offered to feed me i said "ahhh" she was about to put it in my mouth then she took back and ate it everyone laughed i said "yah i was looking forward to that" she said "that's stage one there's 2 more" i said "dammit" we continued eating everyone was complimenting her cooking Yoongi was kinda quiet the whole time but he is always like that he complimented her too a couple times he's been a little more talkative lately which is good Jungkook finished and said "thank you it was really good mom...." he made a really confused face all of us giggled he laughed and said "i'm sorry Noona" she said "it's okay kiddo" we all laughed and he sat back down covering his face with his hands embarrassed we all finished and sat back down and talked for a while i said "hey guys what is our schedule today?" Suga said "just practice" i said "can you guys just say i went in today there is a lot of stuff i need to do today" they said "sure" i said " thanks guys" after a couple of hours everyone left for practice when their van left a couple minuets later someone knocked on the door Eun Won was cuddling with me while watching tv i got up to answer the door it was an old short woman she said "excuse me are you Namjoon?" i said "um yes how may i help you" she said "may i come in?" i stepped aside to let her in i said "please take a seat" she sat down on the couch right next to the one i was sitting on i sat down she said "now before i say what i have to say i just want you to know i am very sorry and you will probably never forgive me for this but" i looked over at Eun Won her eyes were sort of widened the lady continued and said "i am you mom Namjoon..." i looked at her in surprise and almost anger i said "excuse me? what? you're my mother the woman who left me and my dad left my dad without a word didn't even offer to help with finances the woman who was never there when my dad was at work and i just came home from a bad day the woman who made my dad work his ass off for me for my well being" Eun Won said "Namjoon.." quietly i said "no wait.. the woman who couldn't help me with my homework when i was confused while my dad was again at work if...ha okay... if you are that woman why the hell did you leave excuse me what is your name?" she said "Jung song yi" i said "okay ms. Jung why weren't you there why did you leave i can't even call you mom cause i haven't even met you till today" i felt tears fill up my eyes i said "Eun Won..." she said "im going" she walked out i looked back at the woman and she said "Namjoon i left because i knew once you were born i wouldn't treat you right you needed a good parent i was never cut out to be a parent but now i am come live with me i have everything you would need" i said "wow so you left cause of one lousy thought okay and no thanks i've gone 22 years without you i can do a lot more now please show yourself out ms. jung" she got up and walked out i sat back on the couch and cried a a little bit Eun Won came back in and said "Namjoon... i need to tell you something i should have told you a long time ago" i said "what is it baby?" she sat down i was looking down still processing what just happened she said "Namjoon look at me" i looked at her she said "i have met her before when i sold all my belongings she was one of the people who bought something she mentioned she was your mother i knew she was only coming back because you had money i am sorry" i took her hand and said "baby it's okay the same thing would have happened even if you had told me" she said "you're not mad at me are you?" i said "of course not" and you know what lets go somewhere she said "where?" i said "remember when you said what your dream date is?" she said "mmhmm" i said "lets go to all those places you wanted to go" she said "really?!" i said "yes anything for you the only thing that makes me happy is seeing you happy" she said "hmmm let's go to the theme park i love theme parks" i said "baby it's cold" she said "so we dress warm come on pleeeeease" i said "haha okay darling lets go" we got dressed and headed out to the theme park once we got there she was so exited in her little coat and beanie she ran to the ear muff stand and said "hey hey hey come here." i walked over there slightly fanboying over how cute she is she got some ear muffs with cat ears and put them on me i said "i'm not wearing these" there were a bunch of girls following us but we had some of the staff with us so we were okay and she also just looked like she was one of the staff members and no one would recognize her since she was wearing sunglasses she gave the woman money to buy the ear muffs i was embarrassed but she looked so happy to be here she saw the rides and gasped and she said "let's do this one first and then this one lets just do like all of them and then get ice cream" i said "ice cream are you crazy it's freezing" she said "pssh what are you talking about it's hot" i looked down and laughed to myself we walked towards one of the rides we waited in line to get on once we got on she was exited she turned into a little kid when she was having fun like this the ride started to escalate once we go to the top she looked down and said "wow....THIS IS GONNA BE AWESOME" she laughed and when the ride dropped  she screamed but not a fearful scream like she was having fun....okay is she even human how does she still look gorgeous when shes on a ride like this the ride was still going down i started to yell cause this was freaking scary she laughed once the ride stopped she got out super fast and said "there's another one lets go" after a bunch of rides she said she wanted to go eat somewhere we went to a little restaurant nothing too fancy after we were done i paid i asked her where she wanted to go to next  she said she wanted to go to the mall and go to a bunch of stores and we can shop for each other we went to the mall i got clothes for her that i think would look good on her she showed me most of the outfits she came out with a short fitted dress with heels she said "pervert" i was amazed her body is amazing that dress really brought out her curves i said "what you look beautiful" she went back in and put her clothes back on and came out she picked out the outfits she wanted she got a couple of sweaters pants and shirts we went to another store with boys clothes she gave me a couple of out fits i showed her some i came out wit ripped jeans a quarter sleeve shirt and a flannel tied around me she said "omg you look so good" i said "i'll wear this one day just for you" i went back in and came out with a black sweater and black jeans and dr. martins she gasped and said "LETS MATCH" i said "wait what?" she ran into the dressing room and came out in her the black sweater i bought her black pants and the docs she was already wearing i said "fine" i went back in and changed into the same thing she paid for all the clothes i wanted we walked out and went to another store it was barely 12 pm so we had a lot of time to mess around we went back home to just rest a bit i asked her "where next" she said "i don't know how aboooouuuuut......OH what about roof Terrence?" i said "perfect" we headed over there roof terrence was a place where couples go they get their lock and write their initials  on it and lock it on the fence thing we went over and bought a lock i got a sharpie and wrote "p+" and she wrote "K <3" for pabo + kid i dont know i thought that was cuter than writing our actual initials we locked it she looked at me and i looked back into her beautiful emerald green eyes and just kissed her we kissed for a while until i pulled away i held her hand said "i love you" she looked at me and said "i love you more" we walked out and i asked her where else she wanted to go she said lets go back home and start packing for jeju i said "sounds perfect" we went back home and packed a bag of course hers was super heavy the staff drove us to the airport we all got off and waited for the plane i gave her her plane ticket she said "when did you buy this?" i said "6 months ago when you told me what your dream date is" she kissed me on the cheek i blushed she did too i held her hand and put on my mask and sunglasses i fell asleep she woke me up and said "come on our plane is boarding" we walked over to the lady and got our tickets out we got on the plane in a couple of minuets the plane was taking off she never been on a plane before she wrapped both of her arms around mine and put her head on my shoulder and squeezed my arm harder and squealed "we're moving what if it crashes i don't wanna die" i giggled and said "at least we'll be together" she looked at me i looked at her she looked out the window we got there in about an hour we walked around for a bit and she bought little things like earrings and bracelets then we went to the water well the actual beach there were alot of people there we walked and we talked she told me stories i told her mine we sat down on the sand she said "Namjoon how could you still love me i fucked up so much and so many times im sorry i really am and today has made me want to be with you even more every single day im with you i never want it to end i want to be with you you forever Namjoon" i looked at her just knowing i loved her then as she asked me "what's left Namjoon what is left of me for you to love" i knew these would be my last words to her before she was officially mine i stood up and took her hands in mine and helped her stand up she got up and i took a deep breath and said "Park Eun Won since the day i met you i thought you were the most beautiful person in the universe i have loved you with all my heart and soul since the day you cried your heart out on the swings you my love you are the one person i want to spend the rest of my life with you are my forever we have definitely had our ups and down and you became my everything so fast every little thing about you is absolutely beautiful your eyes your hair your body your smile your nose your lips your everything is perfect i love you kid" i looked down i saw her crying a little bit but still smiling i smiled i was super nervous i reached in my back pocket and got down on one knee everyone who was walking by stopped everyone around us looked i brought the tiny box around me to the front and opened it her eyes widened and a tear fell from her eye i looked at her in the eyes and said "will you marry me kid?" she let out a brief laugh and "yes pabo yes yes yes yes yes yes one thousand times YES!!!!" i took her hand and put the ring on her finger and everyone was clapping i stood up she took me into a deep kiss i hugged her waist while she hugged my neck we let go and she just hugged me tight i did the same too her a little elderly lady congratulated us and said "what a beautiful couple may you live happy lives together forever" we said "thank you" we stayed at the beach for a while just enjoying finally being engaged i got my ring and put it on i said "baby take the other ring off that's the past" she took it off i took mine off as well we walked towards the water hand in hand and we tossed the rings at the same time. she put her foot in the water she smiled i looked at her beautiful smile then she kicked cold ass water on my pants she was laughing so much i said "yah is this stage 2" she was still laughing she said "im sorry this is the last stage i can't do 3" she continued laughing we went back to sitting i said "my legs are freezing" she said "don't tickle me then dummy" we got up and went back to our hotel we watched a drama she was watching i'm not very into dramas but she likes them a lot we spent the night there and were going back in the morning we went back to the dorm and the boys saw the pretty little diamond on her hand Jin said "Yaaaaahhh Namjoon this is very pretty" i got embarrassed and said "yeah" it was kind of a lazy day for her i had a ton of practice today and new choreography to learn when i got back home she was already sleeping i called all the boys to the living room and to talk quietly i started to say i wanted the wedding in 3 months they all started throwing ideas and said we all have to dance or teach her the dance one of the songs so we can all dance together we all went to sleep after talking about it i went to go cuddle with her and i fell asleep with her in my arms again.

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