chapter 37: forgive me

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namjoon's pov

1 month later 

The members and I were already up since we had to go in early today for practice our concert was coming up soon so we had to be ready everyone came out in comfortable clothes because we were going to be dancing a lot everyone got a water bottle or two and brought them with we got in the van and drove to the "bighit" building once we got there we thanked who was driving and went to the practice room we all sat down talking about what we should do the dancing ones first and then cool off with the ones where we just sing i checked my phone one last time before i started after that time dokyeom came and talked to me i got his number just in case anything happens but he always reminds me that i need to go see her but i can't well we all go up and put on the first song which was "boy in luv" after a couple of hours of practicing out butts off we cooled of with the songs with just singing and rapping after we were done we all plopped down on the floor and chilled out then we all got up and started talking about whatever we always have fun just talking we were all on our phones then i got a text from dokyeom he said "i have to leave her alone for a couple of days for a business trip come by check on her every once in a while make sure she eats something" i said "alright man" i put my phone away and laid down i said "guys we should go soon it's getting late it's already gonna be 7 every one said "okay" i got up fixed my hair and went to the restroom before we left after i was done i looked in the mirror and thought "what the hell am i doing worrying about her she left me she probably didn't even worry about me or thought about me once whatever i can't go back" i walked out and the boys were already ready we walked out of the practice room to go get our driver she lead us out and all of the fans who stood outside of the bighit bulding yelling "oppa saranghae" and "jin oppa saranghae" and "jungkookie oppa saranghae" and so on and so fourth we all smiled and waved and of course jimin with his little charm winked at them they all screamed we got in the van and drove back to the dorm once we got in we all took a shower one by one once i got out it was already 8 i decided to eat something then just go to sleep i went to the kitchen and looked for leftovers there is always leftovers here i got some aftr i was done i went to my room and laid down my phone vibrated i checked what it was it was just a twitter notification again i looked around my room for socks cause it's always too cold in my room i fell asleep but as i was falling asleep my phone vibrated again it was probably twitter again but i checked it anyways i actually got a text message i checked the number it said "unknown" they said "listen and listen close kid i have someone here with me and if you don't bring me 500,000 dollars by 3 A.M it's over she's done and so are you" i sat up quickly worried but confused what if this is just some sick joke or what if this is real but even i fit was who was it and why did they txt me i probably didn't even know whoever texted me or whoever was hostage should i call the police fucking hell no they will know it was me i texted back "who the hell are you is this just some sick joke?" then they sent a picture something i wasn't expecting at all something that never wanted to see 

"it looks so dark she looks so scared" i thought as i locked my door and changed i put on black pants a jacket and a white tee-shirt cause if i wore all black i would look suspicious i waited till 11 because everyone is definitely asleep by then i...

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"it looks so dark she looks so scared" i thought as i locked my door and changed i put on black pants a jacket and a white tee-shirt cause if i wore all black i would look suspicious i waited till 11 because everyone is definitely asleep by then i texted back "where is she" they said an abandoned grocery store i knew exactly where that was i wrote a not just in case i wrote "whoever it is that came in i locked the door so either fix it or don't tell anyone you saw this note there was something i needed to do i'll be back bangtan forever fighting" i went out my window and took the van i made sure i had the keys i got in and raced to the place i made sure to leave my phone so i won't get distracted they must have texted me with a flip phone i don't think they are stupid enough to text me with a traceable phone it took me about 2 hours to get there since it was in jeonju i on they way i was nervous what if i can't get her back i don't have 500 thousand fucking dollars i thought maybe i can just fight em off i don't know maybe i'm just being stupid but i know i will get her back no matter what with a broken back i will do absolutely everything to get her back i decided to call the cops on a payphone i told them exactly what to do i said "hello my name is kim namjoon and one of my friends has been kidnapped they are at the only abandoned grocery store  in jeonju get there 15 minutes from now they are asking for 500,000 dollars bring the money but don't give it to them have back up hidden just in case but no earlier than 1 hour after this phone call i'm hanging up thank you for you help" the officer said "we're on it" i hung up the phone i left the car about 40 minuets away from the place i walked over there it was already 1:30 so i started jogging i got there and ran inside i checked every inch of the place tell i heard someone else's footsteps i i slowed down and started walking i came to a room where a tall guy was standing in front of her he was walking around her i stood behind a wall and heard him talking to her in English he said "you know if your little prince charming doesn't come with my money... you.are.all.mine. i clenched my fists in anger it was already 1:55 he said "well won't you look at that you only have 5 minuets looks like he isn't coming princess" i heard a gun drop on the floor i peaked over her mouth was still taped over he ripped it off and licked her cheek moved her hair and kissed her neck i covered my mouth she was crying but she was quiet about it he stood back up and walked back around her she let out a small whimper he got in front of her and said "what did i say about making a fucking sound" he picked up his gun hit the shit out of her in the cheek it made her lip bleed i was about to run but someone grabbed my arm i turned around ready to fight but it was a police officer he made a gesture with his finger "no" then with his hand "wait" he handed over a bag to me he whispered "go in 2 minutes" i made a pissed off face he said "do as i say kid" i rolled my eyes and started listening again i heard chains hit the floor and i heard 2 sets of footsteps he said "well it's about 2 minutes early but he obviously isn't let's start a little early darling" i heard a body hit the floor and a whimper of pain then i heard more foot steps from that room i peaked over there was about 6 of them he said "anyone want to go first as one of the men walked over threw his gun down and then i heard a belt i looked back over the other man was hovering over her she was looking in my direction but she couldn't see they blindfolded her she was crying he ripped her shirt off all the way literally ripped he stoked her cheek and kissed her neck i saw a big hickey i could hear her sniffles i saw her fighting with her bound feet and hands then i heard another belt my heart stopped this was the longest 2 minuets of my life then i heard the police officer tell me "go go go" i walked in everyone looked in my direction i threw the bag and said "now let her go" she screamed "NAMJOON NO GET OUT NOW!!!!!" as tears ran down her face i said "i'm not leaving with out her" the guy that was hovering over her stood up and put his pants back on another man walked over to me and took the bag they checked it i said "500,000 just like you asked" then the first man said "nah" he took out his gun and pointed it at me i put my hands up and everyone else pointed their guns i heard footsteps from behind me i heard more guns the people said "everyone drop your guns now i heard ambulances and cop cars the police said "it's over" all the men dropped their guns and started to run they went out the nearest exit but more police were already there they took the criminals away one of the police officers turned on his walkie-talkie and said "no one is hurt hostage is safe" i ran over to Park Eun Won and took off my jacket she fainted i turned her over gently and untied her hands and feet and took off the blindfold i held her in my arms i got my jacket and put it on her covering her up i zipped it up and held her once again i put my head on her shoulder causing me to slouch over i cried and cried i really didn't care if other people saw i looked at her she looked so pale and sad but she is someone who is always pretty i cried more and more and said "yah Eun Won yah Park Eun Won listen to me you are okay you will be okay i am so so sorry i should have been by your side." the paramedics came in and said "sir please ride in the ambulance with us i l i sat back up and said "yeah" i stood up letting her down gently the paramedics checked her pulse and said "irregular" they put her on the bed thingy and and took her out i ran with them and a police officer followed we got to the vehicle and they put her in i jumped in along with the police officer he said "your name is namjoon correct?" i said "yes sir" not even glancing at him my attention was on Park Eun Won i asked on of the paramedics "is she going to be okay?" she said "yes she will she has a fractured ankle i can tell cause of the swelling" i said "okay thank all of you so much" still not looking away from her unconscious self the police officer said "would you mind answering some questions when we arrive at the hospital i said "no but don't ask her anything if she isn't ready" he said "no problem but she will have to testify so will you" i said "fine" we arrived at the hospital everyone got down i got down too they put her in a bed and took her to an x ray room they said "she has a fractured ankle and 2 ribs are broken" i said "get her an MRI" they said "of course sir" they took her to the MRI room and and did it in about 10 minutes they said nothing was wrong with her organs they examined her body for any signs of internal bleeding nothing "thank god" i thought the doctor patted me on the back and said "she will be just fine but son i noticed her calcium was low and she is very skinny by any chance does she have an eating disorder" i said "uh yeah i guess she doesn't eat much" he said "okay well i would like you to keep watch of her make sure she eats and sleeps and have her try to walk around after a month okay" i said "yes sir" he smiled and walked away i walked to the bed they laid her on i sat by her side just like the last 2 times she came to a hospital an i.v was in her arm an oxygen mask was around her nose and mouth an a machine beeped the same time as her heart and that heart belonged to the strongest girl in the world i held her hand hesitantly and fell asleep comfortably again and knowing no one would bother me they already asked me everything it was already 5:00 A.M the boys will be worried when im not there but i'll come back soon.    

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