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"UGH I HATE MY LIFE AND I HATE YOU!" I screamed as I slammed my bedroom door closed. Why do parents have to be such asses?  All I wanted to do was go to my friend's party tonight. I mean yeah I have school tomorrow but I wouldn't drink....that much...I sighed as I fell back onto my bed and looked around my room. My room was pretty awesome.

((Y/N's) room)

I sighed and looked out the window

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I sighed and looked out the window. The sun was just setting. I smiled as I walked into my wardrobe and picked out an outfit. I quickly changed into and brushed through my hair that was dip dyed pink. I opened my door slowly. "Y/N DON'T YOU DARE THINK ABOUT LEAVING THAT ROOM!" My father screamed. I closed the door and sighed. Dammit. I looked at the window and a smirk formed on my face. I grabbed my bag and quickly opened the window and jumped onto the roof. I closed the window and slowly slid down the roof. I came to the vines that grew up the wall and climbed down them. "Take that, parents." I said as I chuckled and quickly ran to her house and opened the door. "Y/N, you made it." She said with a smile. "Wouldn't miss your party for the world Caz." I said as I hugged her and walked in. 

The house smelled of alcohol and sex. Caz handed me a drink. I gladly took it and smiled as I drank it, the alcohol burning my throat. I smiled as Caz dragged me to the floor and danced with me. "So how are you and Ben?" I asked her. "History." She smiled. "What happened?" I asked. "He turned into a soppy little emo. I can't have that." She said as she grabbed us another drink. "What about you and Jack?" She asked. "We broke up. Apparently I'm not good enough for him." I said shrugging as I gulped down the drink. "Bitch please he's a loser if anything you're too good for him." She said. I laughed and shook my head. "Thanks Caz." I said. "No problem now drink up." She said as she handed me another drink.

Quite a few cups and 10 shots later I was lying on the floor with Caz laughing. "So why were you late?" She asked while giggling. "Oh parents arguing and fighting again, dad dragging me into it and telling me I can't go. Y'know the normal shit." I said shrugging as I slurped the liquid out the red cup. "You're old enough why don't you just beat the shit out of them both?" She asked. "I could never do that." I said. "But they do it to you and you're meant to be their daughter." She said. I shrugged and got up. "I can't do this now. I have to get home." I said as I stumbled to the front door trying to step over bodies of other kids. I finally made it to the door and walked home. 

I climbed up the vines and opened the window and fell through it. I sighed as I got up and closed it before climbing onto my bed and falling asleep.


My alarm went off. I groaned as I held my head. Fucking hangovers are the worst. I quickly climbed out of bed and scrambled to grab my shit together and looked in the mirror. I looked like shit. I groaned and grabbed my outfit for today and brushed my hair. My curls fell naturally down the back of my outfit. 

I smiled and applied makeup to make me look better. I smiled grabbed my bag, put on my shoes and headed out my bedroom door and downstairs where my mother and father were sat at the table eating. I sighed and ran downstair and went straight out the door before they could see me. I sighed as I walked to school. Today wasn't going to be a good day.


Hello Everyone so this is my new book. I will try and update it as much as possible and I hope you all enjoy it. Please vote and stuff.

Love you all


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