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We stood around awkwardly waiting for Caz. "Y'know I don't think she's coming back." Jimin said. "Okay then....what do you want to do?" I asked. A little smirk appeared on Jimin's face. "No, absolutely not. No." I said. Jimin laughed. "I didn't say anything." He said. "You didn't have to. That look said it all and I'm saying no." I said. Jimin sighed. "Well I tried." He said clapping his hands together. "You're very irritating you know that." I said. "But you love me." He said with a smug smile. "Shh." I said. Jimin laughed and grabbed my hand. "C'mon lets go." He said pulling me to a little coffee stall. "Coffee? Isn't that the most cliche first date idea?" I asked. Jimin raised an eyebrow. "So this is a date then?" He questioned. "Nooooooo." I said looking down. Jimin laughed, clearly finding my embarrassment funny. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" I asked him. "Enjoying what?" He asked trying to play clueless. "You know what." I said smiling. "Hmmm maybe a lot." He said. I scoffed and pushed him before laughing. "GOD YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" I yelled playfully. "I'm no annoying." He said faking hurt. "Yes, yes you are." I said. "Well if I'm annoying, you're annoying too." He said smiling. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not annoying." I said. "You are." He said smiling. I shook my head and pretended to be angry. Jimin frowned and hugged me. "I'm sorry. You're not annoying." He said before placing a light kiss on my lips. As he pulled back I smiled. "I know I'm not annoying." I said. Jimin gasped. "You faker!" He yelled. "You know it." I said winking before we started laughing. 

We finally managed to get our coffee and walk around the mall. "So did you choose your dress?" He asked. I nodded sipping a my coffee. "It's blue. Like my hair." I said pointing to the bottom of my hair. Jimin smiled. "It's gonna suit you perfectly." He said. "It better. It just cost Caz £1000." I said. I swear Jimin's eyes nearly fell out of his head. "Isn't that a bit much for a dress?" He asked in disbelief. "Nope. Well not for Caz. For Caz £1000 is more like £10." I said. Jimin laughed. "So she's still a big spender then?" He asked. I laughed and nodded. "Yes but that's an understatement for Caz." I said. "It always was." He said laughing. I smiled. "Y'know I don't think she's coming back for us." I said. "I don't either." He said agreeing with me. We got up and walked out of the mall. "C'mon I wanna show you something." Jimin said pulling me to the nearest park. I smiled as we entered the park. "I'll race you to the swingset." He said. I smiled. "Okay. It's on." I said. "Okay count of three. 1, 2-GO!" Jimin screamed setting off. I gasped and ran after him. Of course Jimin won and I laughed at him as he stood there thanking the imaginary crowd. I smiled as I watched him. I love that dork so much. He turned around and smiled at me and I smiled back. 

He walked over to me and grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I smiled and kissed him back, not wanting this to end. We finally pulled apart and sat on the swings. We laughed and talked like we normally would. I thought thing would've been weird but it's normal. It's as if nothing has changed. He's still my best friend. "Hmm we need a song." He said randomly. "What?" I asked. "We need a song. Like a cute song." He said. "Okay why?" I asked. "It would be good if we had a song." He said. "Okay how about we think about this first?" I asked. Jimin huffed and I laughed at him. Jimin broke ou into a smile and I giggled at his cute eye smile. "Come on let's go home." He said grabbing my hand and walking home with me.

We got to the doorstep and we looked at each other. "Do you want to come in or?" I asked. "Well I live here too so." He said.I laughed and let him in. We walked up the stairs and too my bedroom door. "I'll see you later." He said as he kissed my head and walked into his room. I smiled as I walked into my room and sat on my bed. Today was perfect.


Hello Everyone, I finally updated also I AM OFFICIALLY DONE WITH EXAMS AND HIGHSCHOOL YEY!!!!! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

Love you all


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