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10 years had went by and quite fast the twins were now 10 and Jimin and I had planned t get married. We all sat in the living room watching a movie as one big happy family. That's all I wanted in life was a big happy family. Who knew that Jimin, the ghost boy who was sent to look after me, would be my true love and the father of my children? Not me that's for sure. There's still a lot of stuff that I haven't found out about Jimin yet but I bet in time, as we grow older, I will. Life with him now and the twins is perfect. We even have Caz and Hoseok coming over every weekend for dinner. Aunt Caz and Uncle Hobi is what Cory and Simba call them. I think it's sweet. Jimin's other friends Taehyung and Jungkook come over to visit from time to time. It's honestly the most amazing thing ever when we're all together. 

"Y/N." Jimin called snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hm?" I asked looking up at him. "The twins." He said. I shot up and grabbed my coat. "I'll be right back." I said as I kissed him and rushed out the door to grab the twins from school. I had completely forgot about them. This is another thing Jimin is good for, he always reminds me of the things that I forget about. 

I got to the school and it hadn't finished yet which was a good thing since I thought I'd be late. I checked the clock 3:15pm. The twins would be getting dismissed from class right about now. I then saw the pair of them walking through with their friend.

 I then saw the pair of them walking through with their friend

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 "CORY! SIMBA!" I yelled motioning them to the car. The quickly said goodbye to their friends and walked over to the car jumping in and buckling up. "Did you have a good day?" I asked. "Yes." They said in unison. I smiled. "What did you do then?" I asked. "Oh well, Mimi brought her Guinea pig into school for show and tell. It's so cute and fluffy. I want one." Simba said. I laughed. "Wait and see what you get for your birthday." I said. Simba smiled and clapped. "Cory? How was your day?" I asked. "Fine I guess. Umm Mr Kim wants to talk to you at the next parents evening." He said sitting back. "Oh yeah? And why is that?" I asked. "Because Cory's been naughty." Simba said. "I haven't. I didn't do anything." Cory said. "Yes you did." Simba said to him. "He got into a fight with the new kid, Yoongi, so  Mr Kim today and his husband had to come in and exclude Cory and Yoongi for fighting." Simba told me completely ratting Cory out. "Okay first of all, Cory you should know better than to pick fights with people. That's not how me and your father raised you. Secondly, Simba don't tattle-tale on your brother. It isn't nice and you don't like it when he does it to you." I said. Both of them slumped back in their seats and stayed there until we arrived home.

We got into the house and Jimin spent time with them and played games with them as I made dinner. I smiled as I told the kids to go eat. Jimin walked over to me and hugged me. "So what happened today?" He asked smiling. "Well, Simba wants a Guinea pig because Mimi brought her's in today for show and tell and Cory got into a fight with Yoongi." I said. "Yoongi....I don't think I've heard of that name." He said. "Apparently he's new according to Simba." I said. Jimin nodded and kissed me. "Mom, dad come eat." I heard Simba yelled. I smiled and pulled away from Jimin as we went to go eat with the twins. 

And there we were, being the happy family that I always wanted. Me, my loving partner and my kids all together, no problems, no worries just us being together and happy like it's supposed to be.


Hello Everyone, I know a few of you are going to kill me for doing this but THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER AND I'M SORRY BUT IT HAS TO END. I really hope you've enjoyed this book. I've enjoyed writing it a whole lot. Please vote and stuff.

Love you all


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