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I woke up with my head pounding. I tried to reach up to touch it but I couldn't move my hands. I tried moving my legs but I couldn't. I felt the rope tied around them and I sighed out of frustration. How could he do this to me? My own father. God, if only Jimin was here to save me. I sighed as I looked around. The room was unfamiliar. It was dark, and I mean pitch black. I couldn't see a thing but the walls. I sighed and laid there waiting for my fate.

 A few moments later I heard footsteps. Here comes the monster. The door swung open revealing a bright light that blinded me. I quickly closed my eyes at the harsh light. I heard shuffling and when I opened my eyes again the lights were on. My dad was stood over a tray of tools. I gulped and he turned around and looked at me with a smile. "Y'know Y/N I've been waiting for this moment forever." He said with a smirk. "W-what?" I asked him. 

"Finally I can get my revenge for what you did to him." He said cackling. "What do you mean? I have no idea what you're on about. Dad please." I said looking at him with pleading eyes. "You know what you did. You bitch." He growled. "You're not making any sense. Dad please don't do this. You love me." I pleaded with tears streaming down my cheeks. "And he loved you but that doesn't change things. God, you're as bad as her." He growled. I cried and I sobbed. I didn't know what he was on about. He wasn't making any sense. "SHUT UP YOU BITCH!" He yelled as his had came across my cheek leaving it stinging. 

I whimpered as he picked up a tool. "Why did you do it Y/N? Why did you break his heart? You were his everything." He whispered. "You and Cassidy.....destroyed him. YOU DESTROYED MY SON!" He screamed before slashing my cheek with the scalpel. I cried out as my cheek stung more. "Please stop I did nothing wrong." I said. "You did everything wrong." He growled before stabbing the scalpel into my shoulder. I screamed out in pain.

 "Please tell me what I did wrong? I have no idea what I did to you." I said. "You killed my son. You and that blonde bitch. I knew I shouldn't have let him hang out with you. You girls just turned on him. You drove him to breaking point. You broke him, you destroyed him. He couldn't take it no more. All the bullying, teasing and rejection. He snapped and killed himself AND IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He screamed stabbing me once more in the arm. I screamed out in pain. "I don't know who you're on about." I said.

 "I'm on about my son don't you listen bitch?" He questioned. "Who is your son?" I asked. "My son? You should know who my son is. He was your best friend. He loved you and you broke his heart." He said. I shook my head still confused. He then opened his mouth to say words I never thought would come out of his mouth.

"My son is Park Jimin." 


Hello Everyone, if you made it this far it means you ignored my warning at the beginning of the chapter. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please vote and stuff

Love you all


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