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The door opened and my father appeared at the doorway smirking. I gasped and covered myself up. "Oh it's not like I haven't seen it before." He said. I glared at him and Jimin stood up. "Get the fuck out of here." He growled. "This is my house. I don't have to." He said crossing his arms. "Get away from her." He growled. "No." My dad said. I could see Jimin getting pissed with him. "You better leave or-" "Or what? You'll ghost me to death?" My dad asked mocking him. "Actually, I'm not dead anymore." Jimin replied. "Sure, alright then. I guess you won't mind going to school then." He said. "I've already been. I was there today with Cassidy and YN." Jimin said smiling. My dad huffed and walked out. I gave a look to Jimin. He just smiled and closed the door before jumping into bed with me. He pulled me into his arms and cuddled me stroking my hair until I fell asleep.

I woke up in the morning with my alarm. I turned it off and looked over to see Jimin fast asleep. I smiled at the sleeping angel and shook my head. I wiggled my way out of his grip and I walked into my closet to find an outfit for today. 

I smiled as I applied my make and brushed through my hair, putting it up in a clip

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I smiled as I applied my make and brushed through my hair, putting it up in a clip. (Like in the pic). I looked over to my bed to see Jimin still fast asleep. I laughed and shook my head at him. He looked so cute while sleeping. I walked over to him and leant down kissing his head making sure to no mark his head with my lipstick. "Jimin  you need to wake up now." I chimed. He groaned and rolled over. "C'mon Minnie we have school." I said shaking him. Jimin rolled over to face me. His eyes fluttered open and confusion spread across his face. "Why am I in you room?" He asked and he sat up and looked around. "And why do I only have my boxers on?" He asked. I laughed at him. "C'mon stop playing games. Get up we need to meet Caz. She's finally letting me drive her car today." I said with a big smile. "You? Driving? Oh lord help us." He sighed and he flopped back down on the pillow. "Jimmminnn that's mean." I whined while pouting. "It was supposed to be. Now leave me alone you irritating little brat." He said as he rolled over and pulled the covers over him. I furrowed my eyebrows and stared at him.

 "Why are you being so mean? You weren't like that yesterday." I said. "Oh yeah And what was I like yesterday?" He asked. "Sweet, fluffy, romantic, cute......cliche but I like cliche." I said smiling. Jimin rolled back over and looked at me with wide eyes. "What?" I asked. "Wait I was what yesterday?" He asked. "You were sweet. Oh, the coffee date was nice. So was lying on the grass with you in the park." I said smiling remembering yesterday. "Date? We went on a date? Okay ew." He said looking at me in disgust. "You're being completely different today. Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?" I asked. "Boyfriend?" He asked in shock. "Yes, boyfriend." I said. "Okay listen I wouldn't ever be your boyfriend even if I was paid." He said. I gasped and tears started to fill my eyes. "Fine if that's how you feel then get lost." I said before walking out the house in tears. I got to school and met with Caz. "What took you so long? Also I thought that you were coming with me to school." Caz said. "J-Jimin and I broke up." I cried. Caz looked at me and she looked pissed. "Caz?" I asked. She smiled sympathetically at me. "I'll be right back." She said before rushing off. Well this is great I get broken up with and abandoned on the same day. What a joy.


Hello Everyone, Please don't kill me for this chapter. I really hope you liked this chapter. I'll try and make my chapters a little longer as well. I know some of you have been asking for me to make my chapters longer so I'll try that with the next chapter. Please vote and stuff.

Love you all


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