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As I made my way to class someone grabbed my arm and yanked me into a classroom. It was one of the guys that fawn over Caz. "Hey, Y/N old pal." He said nudging me. "What do you want Hoseok?" I asked him. "Can you please get Caz to invite me to the party?" He asked. I scoffed. "No. Can I go now?" I asked him. "Please do it for me Y/N?" He pleaded. I sighed and looked at him as he looked at me with pleading eyes. "You're supposed to be one of the most popular boys in school yet you come grovelling to me for help." I sighed shaking my head. Hoseok looked to the floor. "She's just so flawless. I don't know how to ask her out. What does she like in a guy?" He asked. "Well, I know he has to be a dancer, something to do with she likes the way they can move their bodies." I said. He smiled and hugged me before running out the classroom. Well that was the strangest thing I have ever witnessed. 

I shook my head as I walked out the classroom and met up with Caz. "Hey girl what took you so long?" She asked. "Oh I was just talking to a friend." I said smiling. "You weren't talking to your imaginary friend again were you?" She asked. "No I wasn't." I said. "Alright then. So who are you bringing to the party?" She asked. "Just a guy." I said smiling. "A GUY? REALLY? YOU GOT A BOYFRIEND?" Caz screamed. I laughed. "No, no he's just a friend." I said. "Mmhmm sure." She said before laughing. I smiled and laughed before we walked to class together.


It was finally the end of the school day and everyone was getting ready to either go home or go to Caz's. I had told Caz that I'd meet her at her house. I walked to find Jimin and I found him sitting on a bench in a nice outift. 

I smiled at him

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I smiled at him. "Wow." I said admiring him. Jimin laughed. "What?" He asked. "You look good that's what now let's go." I said grabbing his hand and walking out the school wit him. We got to the gates of Caz's house. I turned and looked at Jimin. "Ready?" I asked him. He nodded and I smiled opening the gate and walking up the path to the door. You could already hear the loud music and smell the alcohol. "C'mon." I said pulling him inside. "Now remember I can only stay visible for 4 hours." He said. "I remember now come on." I said dragging him over to Caz. "CAZ!" I yelled. She turned around and her face broke out into a grin. "Y/N YOU MADE IT!" She yelled. "I said I would." I said. She hugged me and pulled back. "Ooh and who's this?" She asked. "Oh this is Jimin." I said. Caz's eyes widened. "Wait this is Jimin?" She asked in disbelief. "Yup." I said nodding. Caz pulled me close to her. "Damn gurl he's hot." She whispered. I giggled and pulled back. "C'mon Chim lets go dance." I said pulling Jimin to dance with me.

We were dancing on the floor, guys checking me out and girls checking Jimin out. Honestly, I got a bit jealous of the girls looking at him. "Yo Y/N who's your friend?" Clara, the third most popular girl in the school, asked. "This." I pulled Jimin closer to me. "Is my boyfriend Jimin." I said as I wrapped my arms around him while glaring at Clara. "Oh wow. Nice score then Y/N." She said before walking off. Jimin chuckled and I realised what I had said. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I-I um Clara is a bitch and with you being-I um." I stuttered. Jimin laughed and shook his head pulling me close and leaning to my ear. "It's okay. Truth be told you're really hot when you're jealous." He whispered before leaning back and winking at me. I scoffed and pushed him. "Oh my god. You're such a fuckboy." I said before we burst into laughter. Jimin smiled and wrapped his arms around me and started to dance with me again. 

A few hours had past and Jimin and I had been dancing and drinking. Suddenly I heard a clock tower bell chime loudly. I turned around to look at Jimin to find that he had disappeared. 


Hello Everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Becuase it's Friday. (Technically it's 20minutes till it's Saturday) I managed to update again. I felt like I did good with my Music and Science exam today. Hopefully I pass XD. Please vote and stuff.

Love you all


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