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We were walking back to my house and Jimin suddenly spun me around as I was about to go in the door. I gave him a confused look. He smiled and caressed my cheek. "I want you to know I am truly sorry for the way I acted this morning and I want you to know that I love you more than anything and I'll always be here to protect you. I promise." Jimin said before pulling me into a sweet kiss. I smiled as we kissed and when it ended I frowned. "C'mon lets go in." He whispered as he opened the door. "It's really dark." I said as I walked into the living room. Suddenly the lights came on. "SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled. I was taken aback and looked at Jimin. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone yelled. I gasped and looked at Jimin and Caz. Jimin pulled me into a hug. "Happy birthday baby." He whispered as he kissed my head causing the others to aw. "Okay let's party." Jimin yelled as the music started. 

The party was now over and Jimin and I were lying in bed watching TV. "Did you have a good day today?" He asked. "What you mean other than you being a twat to me all morning?" I questioned him. "Hey, I said I was sorry." He said pouting. "Just cause you said sorry doesn't make it all better." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "You made me feel really bad this morning. No one should feel bad on their birthday." I added. "Okay, I was an ass. I know. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you." He said. "You better." I said before continuing to watch the TV. Jimin rolled on top of me. "Get off of me." I said. "Nope." He said. "Get off or I'll scream." I warned him. "No you wont." He challenged. I opened my mouth to scream and Jimin kissed me. I kissed back and pushed him so I was on top. I pulled back from the kiss. "Hmm I like this view." Jimin siad smirking. I gasped and hit his chest. "Perverted boy." I said and I fell back onto the bed. "You know you love me." He said. "I don't." I said. "But you do." He said. "But I don't." I said. "You do. You love me." He sang. "Fine. I love you. Better?" I asked. "Much." He said before kissing me. I giggled. "Oh before I forget here." He said jumping up and rushing out the room. 

A few moments later Jimin appared back in the room. I smiled and looked at him as he had a long slim box wrapped in paper, which had cartoon ghosts on. I laughed at the paper. "Really?" I asked looking at it. Jimin just smiled widely and I shook my head giggling as I took the box and unwrapped it. Jimin was sat beside me waiting. "Open it." He said. I then opened the box and it was a necklace.

 I then opened the box and it was a necklace

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I smiled looking at it. "This is beautiful." I said. "Where'd you get it?" I asked. "I got it from when I was a ghost. I was going to leave it in your locker after I first met you but I wanted to give it to you in person instead." He said. "Oh it's beautiful." I said again. He smiled. "Basically it helps you find your true love. Since that's the only way you can become human again once you die." He said. "Really?" I asked. He nodded. "Every necklace is different. They always start clear but whenever you find your true love it gets colour. The colour is always different to the person." He said. I smiled. "But why blue?" I asked him. "Because blue is the closest to your heart." He said. I gave him a confused look. "Basically you're cool, chill but caring and contastly keeping people out of trouble. You're good and caring. That's why it's blue." He said. "Blue is Caring and sensitive like you." He said. I smiled and kissed him. "I love it. Thank you." I said. He smiled and put the necklace around my neck before I settled down next to him and began cuddling him again before falling asleep.


Hello Everyone, yes I finally updated this book. I'm sorry for not doing it sooner. I was busy with exams and getting stuff for prom ready and yeah. I'll try and update this book a much as possible. Please vote and stuff

Love you all


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