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I laid there on my bed smiling. I heard the door close and I got up and walked out my room to peek over the bannister to see my parents well Jimin's parents walk through the door. I quickly scurried into my room and closed my door and walked to my bed. I sat down on it and brushed through my hair with my fingers. I sighed as there was a light knock on my door. I slowly got up and slowly opened the door to find Jimin there. I sighed in relief and pulled him into my room. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded and hugged him. "Just tired and missing my boyfriend." I said looking up at him. "I'm literally across the hall from you. You could've just come to my door." He said. "I know." I said sighing. Jimin shook his head and chuckled before leaning down to kiss me. I kissed him back and smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist. I felt Jimin deepend the kiss and swipe his tounge agaisnt my bottom lip. I gladly parted my lips and let his tounge enter my mouth. Jimin pushed me into the wall and his hands went up my shirt. His hands held the rim of my shirt and he went to lift up my shirt when I heard my door open.

 I quickly pushed Jimin off me and hid behind him and press myself into his back. "Oh Jimin....is Y/N not here?" My mum asked. "I haven't seen her sorry." He said smiling. "Oh alright. If you see her please tell her to come see me. I have to speak to her." She said. Jimin nodded and my mum went to go out of my room when she suddenly came back in. "Actually why are you in her room?" She asked him. "Oh I um I had just came in to see if she was here and she's not so I'll leave but I have to grab something out her draw first." He said. "Oh yeah like what?" She asked him. "A USB drive. She has a thing on there that I asked her to save for me." He said. "Hmm alright." She said as she walked out, closing the door behind her. I sighed and walked out behind him. "Well that was close." I said. Jimin laughed and pulled me close. "Now where were we?" He asked. "Hmm I think we were here." I said as I leant in and kissed him again. Jimin pushed me against the wall again and immediatly took my shirt off and I did the same to him. 

Jimin pulled me and laid me down on the bed and crawled on top of me and started kissing me again. He then parted down my lips and started kissing and sucking my neck. I moaned as he found my sweet spot and he started working on it causing a hickey. "Hmmm Jiminnn" I moaned slightly. His hands roamed down to my jeans and took them off. I quickly grabbed his pants and pulled them off of him. Jimin smirked as he began to kiss down my body. I moaned as he kissed aginst the hem of my panties. He slowly started to pulled them down my legs. He slowly took them off of me and opened my legs looking at me hungrily before delving into my woman hood. Licking and sucking causing me extream waves off pleasure. I held his head down and ran my fingers through his hair and I closed my eyes and moaned loudly. "Jimin I'm so close I ugh." I moaned loudly. Jimin kept working his magical tounge against my clit. I came in his mouth and screamed loudly in pleasure. Just as he pulled away from me the door opened.


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Love you all


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