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I looked around for Jimin but I couldn't find him. Surely it hadn't been 4 hours already. I sighed and turned around old to bump into Caz and Clara. "Ooh Y/N where's your boyfriend?" Clara asked. "Boyfriend?" Caz asked. "Yeah that Jimin guy she brought is her boyfriend." Clara said. "And you told me he wasnt your boyfriend." Caz said sounding offended. "I'm sorry." I said, Caz laughed. "Yo I'm just playing girl. But really where is he?" She asked me. "Oh um he had to go. His parents are crazy strict and wanted him home early." I said making up a story I hope they bought. Luckily they did and walked off to dance. I smiled and made my way through the house and to the hallway there was a big picture hanging on the wall of 3 kids. I smiled at it. The two girls were of me and Caz and the boy....he looked familiar. Very familiar. I started at the picture more but I couldn't think of who it was. I sighed and shrugged it off before going back to dance.

The party had started to get boring and I was slightly drunk. I giggled as I made my way out of the house. I walked home and walked into the door to find my father and mother standing there looking very angry. I smiled at them "Heyyyy mum, dad." I slurred. "Henry she's drunk do something." My mum whispered to my dad. "Don't worry Cordette I'll give her a punishment." He said turning to me with an evil smirk. My eyes widened as I knew what was coming next. I ran up to my room and locked the door. I heard my father banging on the door, screaming at me. I sat on the floor and put my head between my knees. I felt someone wrap their arms around me. I smiled knowing it was Jimin. I looked up seeing I was right and hugged him. "Please help me, Chim. I'm so scared." I whispered. "It'll be okay Y/N. I'll make sure nobody hurts you again." He whispered. 

It was at this moment that my door flew open to reveal my very pissed off father. I whimpered as he walked towards me. I felt Jimin stand up. "Chim no." I said. "What?" My father asked. "Who the fuck is Chim?" He growled. "N-No one." I said. "LAIR!" He bellowed as he grabbed me. I screamed out and closed my eyes waiting for a impact that never came. I heard a thud and I opened my eyes slowly to see my father on the floor and Jimin standing over him. "And if you dare hurt her again I'll fucking kill you. Got that?" He growled. I swear I'd never seen my dad so frightened in his life. He ran out the room and closed the door screaming about ghosts. I smiled and hugged Jimin. "You save me. Thank you." I whispered. "Well, it is my job to protect you." He said smiling. I pulled back from the hug and looked at him. I could help but smile and wonder what it'd be like to kiss him. 

I suddenly found myself leaning in to kiss him. I tried to pull away but it didn't work. I couldn't move. Then I kissed him.


Hello Everyone, I don't know how many updates I'll do over the weekend but please keep an eye out for when I do update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and stuff.

Love you all


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