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Jimin and I sat in my hospital room talking and laughing. "Okay there's one thing I still don't understand." I said. "What?" He asked. "What was the accident I was in and what happened?" I asked. "You and your parents were in a car crash and only you survived. When you woke up you couldn't remember anything it was because my mum was your emergency contact and she filled everything in that you knew about some stuff and because this was after I died my mum and dad took you in. My dad didn't like it. He knew you were part of the reason I died but my mum never knew." He said. "Oh." Was all I could say. "I'm sorry I didn't realise who you were." I said. "It's fine. I'm glad you didn't." He said as he hugged me. "I better go. My 4 hours are up." He said. I frowned. "You'll be back tomorrow yeah?" I asked. He nodded and kissed me before leaving. I sighed and sat back in my seat.

 The door opened and Caz rushed in. "Omg I just heard what happened. Are you okay?" She asked. I nodded. "I lost a lot of blood and I may need to be in a wheelchair with a sling on my left arm but I'll be okay." I said. "Okay that's good. It's insane that he just went crazy like that." She shook her head. "Yeah." I said. Should I tell her I know? Maybe I should. "Uhm Cassidy." I said. She looked at me. "You never call me that. Only....." "Only Jimin called you Cassidy." I said. She nodded looking down. "You remember hu?" She asked. "That's why my dad went crazy. Because of what we did to him" I said. "What I did to him." She said. "No it was me too." I said. "Only because I told you to. I told you to say no so you did. I didn't realise it would kill him." She said. "Well we can go to his grave." I said. "Give him flowers. Apologise." I said. Cassidy smiled and nodded. "I'd really like that." She said.


A month had now passed and I hadn't seen Jimin since the day he brought me into the hospital. He might have been busy back in his world. I sighed as it was my first day back at school. I smiled as I looked at my outfits before picking out a nice one.

I brushed through my hair and waited for Caz to come to the door as she was picking me up

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I brushed through my hair and waited for Caz to come to the door as she was picking me up. The doorbell rang it opened revealing Caz. I walked out the house and into her car. I smiled as we pulled up to the school. I got out of Caz's car and we walked into the school. Everyone wowed at us as we walked. "I opened my locker and exchanged my books while Caz did the same. "So it's a few weeks from prom. You taking anyone?" Caz asked. "I'm not sure. I'll find someone." I said. "What about you?" I asked. "Okay you know that really fit dancer that transferred from South Korea?" She asked. "What Hoseok?" I asked. She nodded. I smiled. "Wow you go girl." I said. She laughed. Suddenly someone hugged me from behind. I screamed and turned around to see Jimin standing there. I looked at Caz who was smiling and I looked back at Jimin. "I um." I said looking between them. "Hug him Y/N." Caz said. I was very confused but I decided to hug Jimin he strangely felt warm. I pulled back at the change of temperature. "Jimin, you're warm." I said looking at him. "I know." He said with a smile. "Okay I'm confused. Someone fill me in?" I asked. "So after I left the hospital I went to the court and asked them for a favour and here I am." He said. I smiled and hugged him again. "So you're human again?" I asked. He nodded. "Yup." He said. I smiled and kissed him. He kissed back.

After a few minutes I pulled back. "Okay we need to do something about this though." I said looking at his horrendous outfit. He smiled widely. "Okay what do you have in mind?" He asked Caz and I looked at each other and smiled. "SHOPPING!" We yelled together. Jimin laughed and shook his head. "Still got the weird twin telepathy thing going on." He said laughing. "Of course." Caz said. I laughed and hugged them both. "C'mon lets go to class." I said linking arms with both of them and walking to class.


Hello Everyone, So second update today becuase I'm nice. I hope y'all had a good day and stuff. I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter too. Please vote and stuff

Love you all


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