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I smiled as I was trying to focus on the class and all I could feel was Jimin cuddling into me. "Chim, please I'm trying to concentrate." I whined peeling him off me. Jimin sighed and sat back. "But this is boring." He whined. "It's only for today then we have two weeks off." I said. Jimin sighed and looked at me with pleading eyes. "No, Jimin, I need to work and so do you." I told him as I continued to work. I heard him grumble before he got on with his work. I shook my head and giggled at him. He's such a baby. 

The bell rang and Jimin was the first up out of his seat and rushed out the class. Caz and I followed him and we laughed at him. "FREEDOM!!!" He screamed throwing his hands up into the air. I shook my head and laughed. "Are you ready to go?" I asked him. He nodded and smiled. "Yup. LETS GO!" He yelled as we ran to the car. We got in and Caz drove us to the mall. We got out and followed Jimin into the big building. I smiled as we walked into different stores hand in hand looking at outfits and trying them on. Caz then pointed to a prom shop. I smiled and looked at it. "Y'know we could ditch him and go look." She suggested. "No. I'm not abandoning my boyfriend to go look at dresses for prom." I said. Caz sighed. "Fine. We'll do it another day then." She said. I shook my head and smiled as Jimin came out wearing one of the outfits. I smiled looking at him. It was a tux. 

"What is this?" I asked

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"What is this?" I asked. "Oh I um, f-for prom I thought you'd-" "I'd love to go with you." I said as I kissed him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist deepening the kiss. "Uhm guys PDA much?" Caz asked. We broke apart and laughed. "Oops sorry." We said while giggling. "So while you try on the rest of your clothes can Y/N and I go look at dresses?" Caz asked. "Sure." Jimin said kissing my head before heading back into the changing area. 

Caz pulled me over to the store and we started looking at dresses. "Okay what colour Are we matching or nah?" I asked as we looked through the racks. "I'm going with red." Caz said. "Yes, red matches your
complexion. So I'll go for....blue?" I asked. Caz nodded. I smiled as we looked through the dresses and tried multipul on until we found the perfect ones. "Shall we pay?" Caz asked. I nodded and smiled as we started to pay off our dress. Caz told them we'd be back in in a few weeks to pick them up. 

We walked back over to Jimin who was all done and had payed for his stuff. "Okay where to now?" I asked. "Oh shoot. I have something to do. You two will be alright here right?" Caz asked. I nodded. "Yeah sure." I said. Caz smiled and rushed off leaving Jimin and I alone together.


Hello Everyone, so I did a stupid thing I've messed up my laptops keybored now when I press shit+2 it's @instead of " andI dunno how to fix it so if anyone can tell me how to that'll be great. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and stuff.

Love you all


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