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I gasped in horror. "He's your....he's my....WHAT?" I screamed. My dad looked taken aback. "Okay you have some serious things to fill in." I said. "In case you forgot you're the one tied up." He said. "I know that but I need answers." I said. "I gave you answers." He said. "No, you said some crazy stuff then said that Jimin is your son which MAKES HIM MY BROTHER!" I yelled. He gave me a confused look and then smiled. "I guess it does...." He said thinking. "Jimin where are you I need you." I whispered. "Well enough talk. Time to get back to work." He said before removing the scalpel from my arm. He stabbed me a few times around the body blood flowing out at a fast pace. He then stabbed my ankle. I screamed with each stab. "There's no point screaming no one will hear you." He growled. 

The door flew open as my dad went to stab me again. His eyes widend as the figure came down the stairs. I couldn't make out the figure at first. He got to the bottom of the stairs and pushed the tray away from me."What are you doing?" He asked. "I'm making her pay for what she did to you." My dad said. "She did nothing." He growled. "She broke your heart. I thought you wanted revenge." My dad said. "Not on her. I love her so much I can't stand to see her get hurt." He said hanging his head. "You ever hurt her again and I'll make sure you pay."Venom was laced in the familiar voice. My dad dropped the bloody scalpel before running upstairs. The figure came closer to me. It was Jimin. I sighed in relief and rested my head back on the tray. "Please help me." I said. "I'm here baby." He said as he untied me. I wrapped my arms around him as I fell. "I've got you." He whispered stroking my hair as he picked me up and carried me out. I felt weak and my eyes were getting heavier. "Sleep." He whispered. And I did.


 I couldn't see anything but I could hear voices and beeping. I groaned and moved letting them know that I was responsive. I slowly opened my eyes to be greeted with a bright light and a white room. Standing at the end of my bed was Jimin and he was talking to a doctor. The doctor walked out and I smiled as he turned around and smiled. "You're awake." He said. "For about five minutes now." I said. "Oh sorry." He said sitting next to me. I giggled. "Right I have questions that I really need answers for." I said. "Yeah...." He said looking down. "First of all, Okay what's with our crazy dad?" I asked. He looked up. "You got into an accident not long after I died and you couldn't remember anything so my mum and dad took you in as their own." He said.

 "Okay the picture of me you and Caz." I said. "We were all friends until highschool when Cassidy got popular she dropped everyone and made their life hell." He said. "Including yours." I said. He nodded. "Okay but your dad said I broke you and  still don't-" "It was year 8 the 'love disco' was coming up and you and Cassidy had been planning to go but it was guys choice. So I chose you but you hanging around Cassidy changed you, you were practically her. Talking to the pair of you hurt. After you rejected me, which was filmed and broadcasted over the school live, I lost it and I broke down." He said explaining everything. My eyes widened in horror as I remembered this. "I-I." I said as tears streamed down my face. I couldn't believe I caused him all this pain. Cassidy and I were the ones to blame for his death. "Why did you let him kill me?" I asked. "I was originally I only said I'd protect you to watch you die but then you kissed me and I knew you changed. I felt how much you loved me and I couldn't take it so I dissapeared." He said. "I-I'm sorry." I whispered. 

Jimin made me look at him. "You have nothing to be sorry for." He whispered. "I do. I hurt you and I'm still human which means you'll go to court." I said. "Which isnt always a bad thing." He said. "What?" I asked. "Okay so for the whole falling in love thing there are two things. The first one is the good thing. If they see that this is a good love and it's meant to be they'll let it happen but if it isn't they get banished from seeing that person again." He said. I nodded. "You're good now Y/N. You were always good that's why I fell for you. I saw the good in you." He whispered. I looked at him tears still streaming down my face. Jimin grabbed me and kissed me lovingly. I kissed back and I smiled as this kiss went on. I pulled back and rested my head against his. "I love you Jimin." I said. "I love you too Y/N" He said smiling.


Hello Everyone, please don't kill me for this twist. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and stuff.

Love you all


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