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I sniffed staying in Jimin's arms. He ran his fingers through my hair calming me. "I'm so sorry. I should've known." He whispered. "I should've known it was your father. I-" He said looking at me with tears in his eyes. "What do you mean Jimin?" I asked him. Jimin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair before standing up. "Okay so....I'm a ghost." He said. I burst out laughing. "Good one. Now tell me the truth." I said. "I am. I was sent here to protect you. I thought it was from Cassidy but it was from your father." He said. I stood up and looked at him. "Jimin..." I said sternly. "I swear I'm telling the truth. Please believe me." He said. I sighed and turned my back. "You're crazy." I said. "I'm not." He said as he grabbed me. His skin still cold. "Okay then. If you're a ghost why can I touch you?" I asked him. "Because when we're given a mission we've got to take human form except our skin stays cold." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "That would explain why you're alway disappearing and why other can't see you." I said. He nodded. "Only you can see me." He said. 

"There are rules, though." He said. "Rules?" I asked. Jimin nodded. "I'm not allowed to fall in love with a human, I'm not allowed to put the human in any danger and if I can't protect the human and something happens to them it's my fault and I go to court." He said. I nodded. "Wow." I said. "Yeah, those are just the basic ones. There's also ones like, I can make anybody see me but only for 4 hours a day. So like I could make myself visible to everyone but it can only be for 4 hours then only you will be able to see me again." He said. I smiled and nodded. "Okay but why Caz?" I asked him. 

"What?" He asked. "Why did you think it was Caz that I need protected from?" I asked again."Because I knew Cassidy." He said sighing. "What?" I asked in disbelife. "When I was alive I knew Cassidy. She wasn't nice. She bullied people to the extent of them commiting suicide. She caused misery for kids wherever she went." He said. My mouth hung open. "But Caz isn't like that. Not now." I said. "Maybe because I was the only case who's got pushed in her face." I said. "Wait what?" I asked highly confused. "You see I told my mum and dad about Cassidy and her constant bullying me. They rang the school, they ran her parents but nothing worked. I write in my suicide note about how I wanted my parents to tell the school that it was Cassidy's fault I died and that she made me feel that shit that my only option was suicide." He said with tears streaming down his face. I wrapped my arms around him. 

"I-I felt so alone. She had turned all my friends against me. I-" He burst into tears and hugged me tight. I soothingly rubbed his back and whispered in his ear trying to calm him down. "You're not alone anymore okay? You've got me." I whispered. "But that's until you don't need me or until my mission is complete." He said. "Well you've got me till then and I swear Caz is so nice now. I promise." I said. 

"So do you want to come to the party on Friday or is that against the other rules?" I asked. "Oh no I can go. I need some fun time." He said. I smiled. "Great. It's a date." I said smiling. He laughed. "Okay but er I can't dance for shit." He said laughing. "It's okay. Neither can I." I said smiling. Jimin looked at the clock. "I better go now. You need sleep." He said. I frowned but nodded. He kissed my head then disappeared. I smiled and climbed onto my bed and smiled as I slowly fell asleep. 


Hello Everyone, I hope y'all enjoyed todays chapter. I might not be able to update as much within the next two weeks as I have some of my final exams which I need to revise for. So please forgive me for not updating. Anyways please vote and stuff

Love you all


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