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I walked to my locker and opened it putting all my books into it. "Hey Y/N." Caz said as she opened her locker. I smiled looking at her. Caz is one of the popular girls. She has the long blonde curly and the perfect smile. All the boys fawn over her. And me? Well I'm her nerdy best friend that's the goody two shoes. I don't even know why she hangs around me. I'm not cool or popular. I'm just me. I'm Y/N the bookworm who has a thing for t guys who fight supernatural things. 


I sighed as I closed my locker and faced her

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I sighed as I closed my locker and faced her. She smiled as she closed her locker and looked at me. "Let go." She said as she linked arms with me and pulled me to class. People crowded around us and fawned over Caz while giving me dirty looks. 

Caz pulled me along. "Ignore them." She whispered to me as she smiled and said hi to her 'fans'. I took my arm from hers and told her I was going to the restroom. I sghed as I walked away from them all. "You really don't like being around them all do you?" A voice asked. I looked around to see a guy with orange hair standing there. "No, I don't but I do it for Caz because..." "Because she's your best friend." He said. "Yeah..." I mumbled looking down. "I-I've never seen you before. Are you new?" I asked him. "Yeah I just transfered today actually." He said. "Oh cool. From where?" I asked. "I mean if you don't mind me asking." I added. He laughed. "No it's fine. I'm from Busan in South Korea." He said with a smile. "Oh wow that's cool." I said smiling. He chuckled. "I'm glad you think so." He said. "Why?" I asked leaning my head to the side and smiling. "You seem cool." He said shrugging. "So do you." I said. 

"So what do you do for fun Y/N?" He asked. "How do you know my....er reading and watchingtv shows." I said. He smiled. "Cool. Which shows?" He asked. "Oh y'know Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who." I said. "Ahh so you're a superwholock fangirl." He said.. I nodded and laughed. "Yeah I am." I said pushing my glasses up. "Well you better go back to your friends. Maybe I'll see you at lunch?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah okay." I said as I turned around to walk off. "Oh and by the way. My name's Jimin." He said. I turned around to look at him but he'd vanished. 

That's weird. I wonder where he'd gone. I shrugged and headed back to Caz and smiled. "Well you took a long time." She said. "I ran into the new kid." I said smiling. "New kid? There is no new kid." She said. "There is. His name's Jimin. I just met him." I said. "Girl you must be tripping because if there was a new kid I'd be the first to know. Since I'm on the welcoming team and all." She said. I sighed and nodded. She was right. If there was a new kid she'd be the first to know. 

I wonder who he is then. Was he lying about being new or was it really just my imagination?


Hello Everyone. Double update becuase I can. I hope you're enjoying it. Please vote and stuff.

Love you all


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