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***Jimin's POV***

Y/N ran out the door nearly crying. I felt really bad about it. After about 10 minutes I got up and got ready before setting off to school. I was walking through the gates when I saw Y/N and Cassidy walking and talking together. I smiled at how flawless Y/N looked as she walked. Cassidy stopped and Y/N was crying. Cassidy looked pissed and walked away from Y/N. She saw me and came towards me and dragged me into one of the empty classrooms. Cassidy slapped me across the face. "Ow." I said rubbing my face. "You made her cry." She hissed. "I know. I'm sorry." I said. Cassidy sighed. "Okay, do you have everything planned and ready?" She asked. I nodded. "Everything is getting set up as we speak." I said proudly. "You better she forgives you." Cassidy warned me. "Course she will. I'm irresistible." I said as I ran my hand through my hair. "No, you're really cocky." Cassidy said. I glared at her. "Just make sure to apologise to her because she thinks she did something wrong." Cassidy said. I nodded and sighed as Cassid left the room. Hopefully, things go as planned.

*****Y/N's POV*****

I wondered around the halls looking at the floor. Did I do something wrong today? Is this a dream? I'm so confused. Suddenly I got pushed against the lockers. I looked up to see Yoongi and Namjoon stood there/ "You don't have your precious princess bodyguard to save you now." Namjoon hissed. My eyes widened in shock and he went to punch me. I closed my eyes and waited for an impact that never came. "IF YOU DARE HURT HER OR GO TO HURT HER AGAIN I'LL MAKE SURE TO MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL." A familiar voice bellowed. I opened my eyes to see Jimin standing on his tiptoes to make eye contact with Namjoon. I smiled at how small he was compared to Namjoon. The guys ran off and Jimin came over to me. "They didn't hurt you did they?" He asked. I shook my head and smiled. "Listen, I'm sorry for this morning. I was being a dick to you and you didn't deserve it." He said. I smiled and hugged him. "It's okay. I forgive you." I whispered. "You do?" He asked me . I nodded before kissing him. "Now let's go find Caz." I said. Jimin nodded and took my hand and we walked around the school to find Caz.

We found Caz hanging around Hoseok. Obviously, I should've known that's where she'd be. "Oh, I see you two made up." Caz said. I nodded and hugged Jimin. Caz smiled. "Well, c'mon we've got places to go." Caz said. "Wait you're skipping?" Hoseok asked her. "Yup. C'mon if you wanna come along." Caz said as she took mine and Jimin's arms and dragged us outside. 

We all waited by the gates for Hoseok, who ran out to join us. Caz smiled and grabbed his hand. "Let's go now shall we." She said as we walked out. I could see the Hoseok and Jimin looked nervous. "It's okay. We do this all the time. Anyway, Caz's dad is on the school board so we won't get in trouble." I said as we walked to the nearest park and sat on the grass. "It's such a lovely day today." Caz said. "Apparently, it's supposed to be like this all week." Jimin said. "That's good. That means an end of term beach party." Caz said. "Yes, that sounds awesome." Hoseok said. "Of course, it does, it's my idea. And it'll be my party and as you all know my parties are the bomb." Caz said. "You're always so full of yourself Cassidy." Jimin said shaking his head. "What's wrong with a little self-confidence?" Caz quizzed him. "She's got you there mate." Hoseok said to Jimin. We all laughed as we laid down on the grass. I laid on Jimin's arm while Caz laid on Hoseok's. 

"This is so nice, just the four of us, here on a day like this." I said. "You mean, while we're supposed to be in School?" Jimin asked. "Well, would you rather be here with us, enjoying this lovely day. Or would you rather be in history class getting shouted at by Mrs Lee for not paying attention?" I asked Jimin. He sighed and nodded. "Of course, I'd rather be with you." He said before kissing me. I smiled and kissed back. After we pulled apart I looked around, because Caz normally yelled PDA whenever we kissed in front of her, and Caz and Hoseok weren't there. I saw a slight smile on Jimin's face. "Well, now that they are gone, we can do this." Jimin smirked before crawling on top of me and kissing me, his hand going up my shirt. I slapped it away. "Not in public." I said. Jimin pouted and rolled off of me. "You're no fun." He said. "Yup, that's me. The no fun person." I said. Jimin laughed at my sillyness before kissing me again. 

Suddenly Jimin's phone buzzed. He looked at the text then at me and smiled. "C'mon let's go home." He said getting up. I got up and grabbed his hand and then we started to walk home. I wonder what that text was about.


Hello Everyone, I'm sorry I didn't update for three days. I was busy doing stuff. I hope you like this chapter. Please vote and stuff as it would really help me out.

Love you all


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