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I looked around the school for Jimin. "Jimin are you here?" I asked as I looked around. Suddenly I saw the orange haired boy sitting on the bench looking at the floor. "Jimin." I said as I rushed over to him. He looked up at me. "Why am I the only one who can see you?" I asked him. "B-because." He said. "Because?" I asked. "I don't like the others so I keep away from them." He said. "You said Caz is a danger. What did you mean?" I asked. "What's the point you wont believe me anyway even if I told you." He said. "Jimin everyone thinks you're imaginary. They think I'm crazy. Tell me what's going on." I said. "I just can't okay. Not yet. Just please stay away from Cassidy." He said before getting up and walking into the toilets. I sighed and walked back to Caz.

 I sat down beside Caz and smiled. "Yo you were gone for ages." She said. "I know. I'm sorry." I said. "Don't apologise you had business to do." She said. I sighed and grabbed some food before eating it. "Anyway party at mine on Friday. You there?" She asked. "Oh I dunno Caz..." I said. "C'mon it'll be fun." She persuaded. "Oh....alright then....consider me there." I said. Caz smiled and hugged me. "Brilliant." She said smiling. We were all laughing and talking until I looked out of the corner of my eye to see Jimin sitting at a table by himself. "Hold on." I said as I got up and headed to the table Jimin was at. 

Everyone else was whispering behind me. "Don't tell me you're actually going to her party?" Jimin asked as I sat next to him. "Yes I am. Why don't you come too?" I asked him. "I told you. I don't like them. I don't want to be seen around them." He said. "But you're sitting here and they are all over there." I said. "So? They'll ignore me anyway. Like everyone else." He muttered. "I don't ignore you. Look I'm here talking to you." I said. "Yeah but you're the only one who can." He said. "What?" I asked. "Never mind forget it." He said standing up. I stood up with him. "Okay but at least tell me what you have against Caz." I said. He sighed and turned around. "She's bad news. Just stay away from her and dont go to that party on Friday." He said before walking away. "Bad news. Caz isn't bad news." I mumbled as I walked out confused. 

I don't understand why he keeps telling me to keep away from her. Did she do something to him? Did she bully him? I mean I know Caz had a thing for bullying the nerdy kids but she stopped soon after we became friends. She's not like that now. I sighed as I walked out of the building. Right now I didn't care about skipping school I just needed to figure things out. 

I carefully snuck into the house. I knew my parents weren't home. I went into my room and changed out of the clothes before putting my normal ones on. "Now this feels better." I said before grabbing my phone and dock before playing Do you want me (Dead?) By All Time Low. I smiled and sat on my bed singing along. 

"Nice voice. You could really go far." Jimin's voice said. I yelled and fell off my bed. "STOP DOING THAT!" I screamed. "Stop doing what?" He asked innocently. "Scaring me. Stop popping out of nowhere like, like." I said. "Like?" He asked pushing me to answer. "LIKE A GHOST." I yelled. Jimin laughed. "Me a ghost? Alright then. Somebody come collect Y/N for the crazy house." He said. I pushed him lightly and laughed. "Hey, shut up." I said. "Hey, no." He said smiling. "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked. "Well I gave it a thought and I'm coming with you." He said smiling. "What?" I asked in utter confusion. "To Cassidy's party on Friday. You were right. I should give her a chance." He said. "I never said that." I said as he looked around my room. "Didn't you? I thought you did." He said.  Suddenly my door swung open and my dad came into my room. My eyes widened and looked towards Jimin. "Y-You need to leave." I said to him. "Who are you talking to slut?" My dad hissed as he hit me. "I-I wasn't." I said as I fell back. 

After my dad left the room I sat in a ball and cried. I felt two cold arms wrap around me. "I-I'm so sorry." He whispered. "What?" I asked him. "I was supposed to protect you." He said. "What?" I asked. "That was my job. I was sent to protect you and I thought it was Cassidy I had to protect you from but I was wrong. It was your father." He said. 


Hello Everyone, now we're getting to the main plot. Hehe. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and stuff. 

Love you all


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