Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm. Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 people!!!

So first I would like to thank my best friend and twin vampyre_twin for helping with the ideas of this chapter, LOVE YOUUU!

Secondly thank-you to everyone who commented, voted and became a fan, Im always happy to read what people think of my story.

Since christmas is this week, I might not upload til after so I get more time to write my story.

So here's chapter 5, enjoyy!

Chapter 5

Mornings, argh I HATE mornings! I'm so not the type to get up and run around like a mad person, saying "Good morning sunshine", if someone was to wake me up and say that, then I would probably kill them, then go back to sleep.

I stared at the ceiling and thought about this whole arranged marriage situation I had somehow gotten myself into. Did I want to get married? Hell NO! I was only 17, I wanted to live a little and travel. I wanted to have boyfriends and the occasional fling, not a fiancé and a planned wedding! As these little issues were circulating around in my head, I felt the bed move, yes it moved. I was then fully aware of the arm draped lightly across my stomach and then little peaceful looking Ryan laying next to me. He looked so sweet and innocent when he slept, not like the stupid idiotic jackass that I was marrying.

I glanced at his face but soon my eyes travelled down to his bare chest, hey come on I'm a teenage

girl! I wanted to reach out and touch his six pack, to run my fingers along them and- snap out of it! You can look all you want but if you touch, he will surely wake up and think your madly in love with him.

You do at least like him though.

Why must you always pop into my head and ruin my day?

Coz you like him, and I'm sorry miss I'm talking to myself!

I do not like him!

Sure you dont.


Fine just keep telling yourself that!

As the annoying voice faced away, I looked at Ryan again but this time his eyes were open and he was smirking at me.

"Morning princess"

Urgh, didn't I tell you not to call me princess? Gueez, I'm seriously thinking that you my dumb friend either have the memory span of a gold fish, or you just have braindamage. Did your mum ever drop you when you were little?"

His face went a bit red and the arm that was around me started pulling me closer and closer to him again, this time I didn't turn around to face him.

"Let go of me!" I said struggling to get away.

"So, you like me do you?" he whispered in my ear. Ignoring the chills it sent down my spire I turned around to face him. WOW, I was sooo close to him. His face was just inches from mine and his warm breath caressed my face.

"Who told you that?"I said trying to sound like I didn't care.

"You did princess, you really shouldn't think out-loud."

"I did not say that I like you, you must have mistaken me saying I really hate him."

"If you didn't say that, then how do I know you wanted to touch my abs?" He said, his smirk becoming more noticeable.

"Omg! Can you read minds like Edward Cullen??" I said trying to change the subject.

He ignored me and said "Just admit it, I know you do, It's okay, I like me too."

"YOU! You are the biggest JERK that I have ever met Ryan Parker!" I said hitting his chest with my fists.

He looked down to where I was hitting him and said " Well Indiana PARKER, if you wanted to touch me so bad, all you had to do was ask you know."

I instantly stopped with the hitting and withdrew my hands, I tried to pull myself away but he pulled me closer.

"Ah ah ah wifey, practice makes perfect dont you think? Your not getting away from me this time."He stated and with that, he kissed me and OMG I was kissing him back! He pulled away first, breathing heavily and I was sure I sounded the same. He caught my eye and smiled at me. What the hell?!?

"I'm not going to be used"I said as soon as I got my breath back. I pulled away to look at him. We were now sitting up facing eachother, talk about getting caught in the moment! Right before my eyes, the genuine smile vanished, and in it's place came the stupid, cocky smirk that I was growing to HATE.

"I can do whatever I want, we're getting married remember?" he said still smirking.

I cant remember the last time I was so angry, humiliated and furious at the same time. I kissed that jerk, kissed him and he tells me that he can do whatever he wants because we're getting married?

"JERK!" I yelled into his face. I brought my hand back and slapped him as hard as I could, my hand was stinging from the impact. It must have hurt quite a lot because his head whipped around and when he turned to face me, he had a huge handprint on his cheek. Just when I thought we were getting along!

"Crazy bitch!" He yelled at me.

I gave him a deathly glare and ran into the bathroom, locked the door, and slid down it til I hit the tiles on the ground, sobs building in my throat. Finally the tears came and it was like I had waterfalls for eyes because there was sooo much water. I cried and cried and cried until my eyes ran dry and my throat hurt from all the sobbing. I got up from my place on the floor and walked to the sink to look at my reflection. Holy shit I look like crap! My eyes were bloodshot and puffy and my skin was so white it was scary. I splashed water on my face and opened the door to OUR room where I was surprised to see dufus sitting in the same spot where I had left him.

I quickly walked to my closet and got changed into red skinnies and a white tank-top, screw the shoes. I put on a black hoodie and walked out only to walk into said dufus who was standing in the doorway.

" Can I help you?" I said sounding like a check-out chick.

"Are you okay? I heard you in the bathroom." He still had the handprint on his cheek but I wasn't looking at that, much. He actually looking concerned. Not gonna fool me again.

"Fine", I replied, "Just a game right?"

"Look I'm really-"I cut him off.

" Dude I get it, it was for fun. HAHAA, you got me! Good one, blah blah blah. No need to apologise." I patted him on the shoulder and walked past him, opened the door and headed down the stairs. This may be the last time he see's me cry, but that asshole is going to get what's coming to him, now all I need is a plan.

So there's another chapter done.

What do you think Indiana's going to do to Ryan?

Please comment and vote!


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