Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm (24)

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authors note;

feel free to track me town and torture me in the worst way possible.. but i have a good excuse for not writing sooner... i moved across country all by myself, and doing that at 17 is kinda hard. soo sorry if this is rushed but its past 12am and i have to get up in a few hours.

peace and love to all <3

Chapter 24

I was sulking.

Dont get me wrong, my future mother in law had been nothing short of sweet, but since she was bringing me to my doom with the whole 'dress shopping' thing, well my level of hatred had risen over the past few hours.

"Just one more shop dear, and then we can go home" she looked at me apologetically. Ah so she knew I was burning holes through her with my eyes? Smart woman.

I sighed and turned to face out the window.

The streets were passing the car in a bright blur. The occasional person on the sidewalk gawked at the sight of a stretch limo driving past, but I got used to the stares. It was only when we walked into wedding shops and I got introduced as Ryan's fiance that things started to really shake me. The old women who owned those shops would go ga-ga over him and his apparent sweetness. Yeah the guy was as sweet as my royal behind on a good day..

The car pulled up to the curb and we stepped out into the warm sunny carpark. I shrugged my way into the shop...

- to be continued ;)

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