Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm Chapter 10

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Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm Chapter 10


So I was surprised at how much you guys enjoyed that last chapter. I figured that I should let them be nice for a while.



Chapter 10

Stupid sun, why must you always ruin sleep? I opened my eyes only to be assaulted by the bright sunshine that was streaming through the open window. Why didn't I close the curtains!? I rolled over only to realise I was laying on someone, Ryan to be exact. Ha, I didn't remember falling asleep.

I propped myself up on my elbows so my face was just inches from his, and pushed. Nothing happened. What the fuck? I tried pushing again to get up but it still didn't work. Ryan's arms wound around my waist and he opened his eyes. Should have known he would take advantage of this current situation. What's with boys and always wanting to screw you?

"Can I get up now?" I pushed on his shirtless chest to show my point. He looked down at my hands and smirked.

"Well good morning to you too" he said, his voice full of fake sadness.

"Good morning. Now can I get up?"

"Why? Dont you like me anymore?" his face turned into a pout but his eyes were bright and amused.

"Never did" I laughed.

"Indiana, that hurts me so bad"

I ignored him and leaned willingly into his embrace. His strong arms wrapped more securely around my waist as I snuggled into his chest.

"Your really hot. Did you know that?" I lifted my head up.

"Yes I already knew that"

"Dont go getting a big head. Your the one who said you loved me" I smiled.

"Well your the one who kissed me so I think we're even." I was about to say that he technically kissed me first but then his lips were on mine. His tongue traced my bottom lip asking for entrance but like I was going to give in! He kinda growled a little bit, to which I just rolled my eyes.

He pulled back to glare at me. What? Just because I stood my ground he has to go all I'm-a-guy-give-me-what-I-want bullshit. That thought had me rolling my eyes again.

"Indi" he whined.

"Ryan" I mimicked his tone.

"Why cant you be nice for five seconds"

"So, your a five second man are you?" I asked laughing.

"I was talking about kissing. For other......stuff, you'd have to at least give me an hour" he winked.

"Yeah totally."

"I'm deadly serious! I'll prove it" he yanked me up into his arms bridal style and basically ran to our room. He raced to the bed and threw me on, jumping on after me. Wow he was enthusiastic! I put my knee's up, hugging them to my chest but he lifted me up and placed me on top of him. I was still grabbing my knee's.

"Yeah Ryan this is fun and all, but I'm hungry" I made to get off him and he pulled my knee's down so that they were resting on either side of his hips. Holy cow I could feel his man hood growing. I leaned down so I was right in his face "Let me go"

He kissed me and my stupid teenage hormones took over. I kissed him back, still sitting on him and he gripped my neck while I ran my fingers through his hair. His hands were creeping to the back of my shirt and he grabbed the material in one hand and lifted it slightly. I'm pretty sure he wanted to go further but there was a knock on the door.

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