Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm Chapter 11

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Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm


holla everyone :D

So, I guess you were all shocked about Candice hey? Well I had to keep the story interesting somehow and a girlfriend seemed kinda funny! Anywho, I guess this chapter will have a few shocks in it so read, comment vote and enjoy :D

Chapter 11

Ryan's girlfriend? How? What the fuck is going on in this world. A wife AND a girlfriend? Ryan was off his medication if he thinks I'm going to share. No freaking way!

I looked around but the party was still in full swing, the only thing wrong was Ryan, slut-face and me standing in the corner. Said slut-face and I were going to break out in a huge ass fight soon if this didn't get explained. I turned my glare on Ryan but he was too busy glaring at Candice to see it. I wish his glare could create fire or something so I could watch that stupid bitch burn! Hahaaa that would just make my day.

" I'm not your boyfriend anymore Candice. Or did you forget that when you went and screwed half the football team?" Ryan spoke at last still glaring at her.

"It wasn't half!" she defended herself.

Well they were arguing and this is way awkward. I slowly began backing away when Ryan grabbed my hand and pulled me against his side. I pulled back a little to look at his face and it looked hurt.

"I think you two should sort it out. Just you two. And if you want any help, then I'll help take the trash out!" I smiled sweetly at Candice. She glared back. I kissed him and whispered "Come find me when your done" in his ear. He nodded and I walked off to find Nina.

She was standing at the table, flirting with Toby. Nina saw me but I motioned for her to be quiet and snuck up behind Toby, Nina being the good friend she is acted like everything was normal.

"BOO!" I shouted in his ear. He shot up in the air and nearly threw his drink over me and Nina. I was laughing so hard that I was almost crying. He seen it was me and relaxed. I guess being surrounded by witnesses made him feel safe.

"Hi Toby" I smiled.

"Hey Indi" he shuffled on his feet looking down.

"Can I talk to Nina for a sec?" I asked.

"Sure" he said. I smiled in thanks and grabbed Nina's arm, dragging her to the kitchen. Once we were in I shut the door and turned to face her.

"What's wrong?" Nina knew me so well.

"Ryan's talking with a girl" was all I could say.

"Are you jealous Indi?" Nina looked like she wanted to laugh. This was so not a laughing situation.

"She claims to be his girlfriend while he says that he broke up with her." I had to blink back stupid little tears.

"Which one is she?" I knew that voice. I was scared of that voice.

"Nina, if your planning to bash the crap out of her I would really appreciate it if you took it outside."

"I wasn't going to hurt her...much. Just throw a drink or two......." she trailed off.

"Behave" I warned laughing as Ryan walked into the kitchen.

"I'll give you guys a moment" Nina said rushing out of the kitchen, leaving me and Ryan standing there awkwardly.

"So I talked to her. Got her to leave" he finally said.

"Is she your girlfriend?" It may have come out harsh, but I wanted to know.

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