Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm 24- part 2

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Authors note;

soo this is going to be a little rushed too, but i wont be able to upload for a few more weeks...

enjoy  <3

Part 2.

Whoaaaa. It was a freaking dude.

And he was young? Like 25 at the oldest young?!

Sex on a stick, strip him down pu-leasee!

He smiled up at me as he took the measurements around my hips. I blushed a bright shade of red and tried to look up over his head. Didn't work....

Every few seconds I glanced down at the top of his cute brown head. I didn't think it was possible to find a guy hotter then Ryan who actually had a heart and manners, but wow I was proud to admit I was wrong. Very very very wrong.

"-- it doesn't matter about the style" he finished saying and looked up at me expectedly.


"No?" I asked with a puzzled look on my face. He gave me a cheeky grin and tried again.

"I said, there are plenty styles of dresses in this shop but you have the perfect figure so it doesn't matter about the style" he smiled.

Perfect? Aaaawwww!

I smiled like a freaking monkey with all my teeth showing and let out a little giggle, then blushed because I'd just giggled. Dayuum.

"Thanks" I said lamely. Felt like face palming right there.

He kept smiling as he measured my shoulders and then moved the tape from shoulder to wrist. I stood still on the block until he had finished the measuring.

"I think we should go with strapless, to show off your shoulders" he said rolling up the tape as he got up.

"Sounds good boss" I smirked.

He smirked back, " Be careful little girl or you might end up trying on every dress in this shop"

Oh he was good.

---- A few hours later and I had the perfect dress. Strapless, sparkly and long.

I twirled around infront of the floor length mirrors. Everyone behind me was muttering their approval.

I turned to face Ryan's mum, "it's perfect"

I smiled.

Looks like I was really doing this.

Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasmWhere stories live. Discover now