Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm. Chapter 16

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heyy guyss :D

Guess who's off their grounding?!? Yeah thats right, mee!!!

Hahahaa I would've uploaded earlier but I was out celebrating with my twin and my best friend. We had a lazy day watching movies and playing guitar hero...

Soo new chapter, since I havent uploaded this in a while. I am really sorry about that too!

Anyway I tried to make it a little longer than one page this time.


xx bec


Chapter 16

Dream*** (indi's)

"Its your wedding day, arent you excited?" mum snapped another photo of me in my floor length puffy white dress. I swear the things fluro its that bright. My hair was so not me as well. Most of it was in an elegant bun on the top of my head. Little bits were in ringlets around my face and I had a tiara on that was digging right into my brain. Yes you all heard right, a tiara. What am I now?


The shoes were another thing too. Now dont get me wrong I love shoes. But these poxy all grandma shoes are hardly what I would call awesome. Yeah I wouldn't even call them trashy. Bad, ugly, hideous bright white shoes with little flowers and bows stuck all over them. At least they're hidden under the stupid dress.

My make-up was simple at least. My eyes were framed by my natural long black lashes, my eyes had a hint of eyeliner. Silver eye shadow was put lightly on my eyelids and my lipgloss was clear. I looked in the mirror again and sighed. Yes my mother was right. Today is my wedding day.

"wedding. Mine. Excited. Sure" I mumbled picking up my pink and white flower filled bouquet. The whole wedding in my opinion was sure to excite everyone. Everyone but me. And the groom.

I looked out the window of the small room and at the end of the long aisle, there was Ryan. He looked totally gorgeous in his black tux, the black tie and white undershirt. His black hair falling into his blue eyes made me want to basically run down the aisle in these crappy heels. That was the problem though, this whole wedding is my problem.

Ryan and I wanted to get to know one another a little more, fall in love properly, not get forced into a marriage. Parents are supposed to love you and care about your feelings but our parents are total idiots that care for nothing but the money and a few grand children. Damn those selfish bastards.

the wedding march started outside and I knew that it was my queue to walk down the aisle and get it over with.

I turned away from the window and found myself alone in the room. Guess they were all seated.

I opened the door and was standing at the end of the aisle. Now how did I get here? Oh my gosh I must be a time traveller! Damn Im cool!

Laughing to myself I began the small walk down the aisle. People looked at me and smiled as I walked by them, a few even giving me the thumbs up. If I didnt look like such a girl right now I would totally give them the finger. I walked right by my mum in the front row and she looked up at my with tears in her little eyes and smiled. I glared at her, mouhed this is your fault and turned away. I seen her face fall before I could though. Did I really care though? Not on your life buddy.

I walked up with little stairs and stood across from Ryan who would pretty soon be my.. husband. Damn I hate that word. He smirked over at me and mouthed weirdo. I mouthed jerkface and the minister began his talking.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here for the marriage of these two souls Indiana Marie and Ryan Jacob-" Hahaha he said our middle names! Priceless!

I zoned out of what he was saying and started picking at my pale pink nail polish. I looked over at Ryan who was staring at the minister, smiling slightly. Eeeww, creep.

Once I had picked it all off the thumb nail on my right hand, I set out to do the same to my left thumb nail. I dont like being odd.

About half way through the nail, Ryan nudged me with his arm. I looked up at him glaring but he moved his head in the direction of the minister. He was looking at me questionly.

"Umm repeat the question?" I asked.

"Do you take Ryan to be you lawfully wedded husband?" he asked.

"Ummm...... Ummmm" I looked around.

"Do you?" he urged.


I shot up in bed. Now would you call that a nightmare? I mean ugh, did you see that dress??!

I shook my head and rolled out of bed. Ryan was missing. Yeah okay Im not playing hide and seek this early in the morning. He can hide for as long as he wants, because at least he wont make any noise and annoy the shit out of me like last night. Damn boy jumping out and scaring me like that was so, so, so-

See? So annoying I cant even put words to it!

I sat back on the bed just as the bedroom door opened. Ryan walked in with a tray of food. Yummy looking food. My stomach rumbled just at the look of it all.

"Aww is that for me? You shouldn't have" I gasped. And here I was thinking he was mean!

"I didnt, this is all for me. Duh" he sat next to me and sat the tray in his lap. He looked over at me as he grabbed a piece of toast and took a bite out of it. Damn stupid son of a bitch!

"Where the hell is my breakfast?" I demanded.

"Umm in the fridge? Or the cupboard? Depends what you want really" he shrugged. He shoved the rest of the toast in his mouth.

I made a grab for a pancake but his big hands beat me to it.

"No no wifey. You make your own" he scolded. I poked my tongue out.

"Careful there it might get bitten off" he smirked.

"ahh gross" I shuddered.

"sure it is" he laughed.

I put my hand in a fist and smacked him on the top of the head.

"I bit my tongue!" he shouted.

"Well thats your fault isn't it?"


"Maybe next time you should make me some breakfast!"

"You want breakfast? Fine heres your breakfast!" he said pouring a whole bowl of cheerios over my head.

He got off the bed and walked out of the room with the rest of his meal. He left me sitting on the bed, soaked by milk, stray cheerios clinging to my forehead.

"Asshole" I muttered.

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