Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm. Chapter 20 part 2

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Don't you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm.- Part 2.


So my bad? I know I havent uploaded in a while but I made this one longer than the rest! Hope you enjoy guys x

Chapter 20- Part 2

I looked at the time on the clock hanging over the fireplace. 12:15pm. How long was Ryan going to stay knocked out? I settled back into the couch and grabbed the remote from the table. After putting the frying pan away, painting my nails and watching Step Brothers, I was pretty sure he would've woken up. Apparently not though. He has now been out for three hours. I didn't hit him that hard did I? I thought it was just a little tap! Wait, what if I killed him for real?! Shit I'm so dead if he's dead!

My panic attack was interrupted by a smashing noise coming from the kitchen. What the hell?

I rose quietly from the chair and snuck to the kitchen doorway. Ryan wasn't on the floor anymore. Well isn't that weird. I scratched my head in confusion and walked around the kitchen bench. There was glass on the floor and a big hole in the front of the china cabinet. Lying in front of the cabinet was a big ball of paper. Which had been wrapped around a rock. What the hell is going on?!

I looked around me to see if this was anyone's idea of a practical joke and bent down to pick the rock up. I walked over and placed it on the kitchen table and sat down at a chair. Forget Ryan, the rock was more important. I slowly unwrapped the paper from the rock and smoothed it out. It was a note.

Guess who.

- X

Now I'm being stalked?! Damn today just keeps getting better I thought sarcastically. First Ryan goes missing and now this. And ugh! How am I supposed to pay for the china cabinet? That thing looked ancient! Marriage is a tough job.

I folded the note up and put it back down on the table. I didn't want to touch it. Its like the harmless piece of paper had a disease. I wanted no part in this wannabe psycho's game. Anyone comes at me, I will grab the closest knife and start swinging. I don't care who it connects with.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a bang. Or maybe I imagined it.

Nope there it goes again.

You know how in the movies the murderer drags the dead body behind them up the stairs? The body thumping against the stairs as the last of their life, if not

already gone, is drained from them along with their blood and the murderer continues to drag their lifeless, bloody corpse- Okay anyway, it sounded like

someone was being dragged up the stairs. There was also a lot of muffled grunting going on.

Now I'm shitting myself. There is some axe murderer dude and Ryan is M.I.A. I jumped out of the chair and grabbed the nearest knife out of the holding block. It was as long as my hand. I threw it on the bench and tried again. AH now this is a knife! I would've kissed the blade if my hands weren't shaking so bad. If there wasn't some scary person in my house, I also would've laughed like an evil genius. I could feel it coming up my throat but I kept my mouth zipped shut.

Holding it like a stake, I tip-toed through the kitchen and stuck my head around the corner. No one was there so I continued my tip-toeing til I reached the bottom of the stairs. Holy shit the stairs are ruined! I dropped the knife in shock and jumped ten feet in the air when I heard screaming coming from upstairs. Shiiiit what am I supposed to do?! I'm not some ninja!

I didn't really want to go up the stairs with all that mess on them. Going all the way up the once beautiful stairs were drag marks. In blood. It was so red that Santa's suit would be white in comparison. Now I'm not a detective or police officer but there must have been a little struggle because about half way up the stairs there was a big red patch. It made me gag just looking at it. This is possibly the grossest thing I have ever seen. And its in my house! That much blood came out of someone's body? Dude that cant be possible! I picked the knife off the ground and eased myself up the stairs, careful to not step in any blood. Of course I slipped every now and again because there was so much of it.

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