Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note that sarcasm Chapter 18

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Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note that sarcasm


Haha hi guys :D

Yes I know Im really mean for not uploading sooner but if you read my other story " hate that stupid jerk!'" , then you'll know why I havent.

Ahh well at least you can read it now :D


Chapter 18

I found him by the front door with a murderous expression on his face.

Laughing, I grabbed his hand and pulled him out to the car. I got to drive his nice Mercedes while he wrapped the sheet around himself and got in the passenger seat.

"So all you have to do is get out of the car and walk down the side walk. No biggie" I instructed him as I parked the car along one of the busiest streets in town.

"Are you joking? Please say your kidding" he begged. He pulled the sheet tighter around himself.

"Yes I'm kidding"

"Are you for real?" his eyes brightened.

"Of course I'm not for real you dufus! You had me thinking I was going to die so stop being a chicken, give me the sheet and get out of the car!" I laughed at his horrified expression.

"Bitch. You are such a cruel, heartless bitch"

"I love you too fiancé " I winked.

"I'm not getting out" he said stubbornly.

"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Ryan if you don't get out of this car then your never seeing me naked. Ever again" I threatened.

"Your lying"

"Does it look like I'm lying?" I asked gesturing to my sober face.

He groaned and opened the door, stepping out of the car and taking the sheet off, began walking away from the car and down the busy sidewalk. I got out of the car and took out my phone.

"Make sure to pose for the camera darling" I called out after him. I laughed when he turned around and stuck the finger up. He nearly

tripped over a crack in the pavement. Karma.

I watched as the people walking down the sidewalk, even over the other side of the road, stopped to look and laugh at the guy who decided to take a stroll in a bikini and heels. They took photos and some even walked up to him and asked for a picture with him. I seen Toby across the road and called over to him. He walked across, his eyes never leaving Ryan.

"I suppose this is all your doing?" he laughed when we were in hearing distance.

"Don't you know it!" I laughed with him.

"You better never do that to me" as he spoke Ryan turned around and began walking back.

"Or what?" I asked.

"You wouldn't. Its that simple" he must've felt safe with all the bystanders.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that" I smiled evilly. He looked taken back and was about to reply when Ryan grabbed my arm and dragged me to the car.

"Bye bye Toby. Nice chatting to you" I yelled out waving the other arm. He glared at me.

Ryan pushed me into the drivers side door and snatched the sheet away from me. He wrapped it around himself and practically jumped in the car. I slowly got in and buckled up my seatbelt.

Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasmWhere stories live. Discover now