(19) Dont you just love arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm

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Dont you just arranged marriages? Note the sarcasm.


So im just gonna make this up as I go along. I have no clue where this story is going to be completely honest but I think they're wedding will be in a few chapters.

Hope you enjoy the randomness guys.

- bec

Chapter 19

I took a deep breath and walked out of the living room.

"Hey where are you going?!" Ryan shouted at me.

I ignored him as hard as that was and kept walking.

"Oh the bets on now? Shit!" I heard him curse. I laughed under my breath and shut the door to the bedroom.

I crossed the room and pulled a pad of paper and a pen out of the side table drawer and set to work writing out a plan. Or ideas for a plan or two anyways.

(Indi's List)

Objective: Make Ryan crack first.


Break his most prized possessions.

Tease him with gross lingerie (shudder)

Call his parents and say he has gone missing.

Throw all his clothes out. Or give them to the homeless.

Lock bedroom door so he cant get anything at all.

Ways to not crack:

Ignore all attempts at bribing, teasing, ruining and any other form of bet killing on Ryan's behalf.

Dont give into the retard.

I smiled down at the piece of paper that held my life. Well I held my life in my own hands right now. If Ryan were to stumble across this piece of paper than I think I would be ruined. Just give me aids and call me Sam!


***One week later***

Yep its been a week.

One awkward week of pretending mr loud mouth was invisible, didnt exsist. Its harder said than done.

First 20 minutes of the bet and he goes and turns on the huge ass speakers and blasts Justin Bieber out of them. I HATE justin bieber.

He was dancing through the house and whatever room I went to, it was all I could hear.

This is all I could hear.

"Baby, baby, baby oooohh!

Baby, baby, baby NOOOO!

Baby,baby, baby oooohh

Thought you'd always be minee!"

One thing I now know is that my future husband cant hold a note. I think we need to repair the cracks in the window guys.

I walked around the remainder of the day with my earphones in blasting All Time Low and Paramore. If Ryan thinks I'm gonna crack first then he has another

thing coming. Justin Bieber is tolerable. I mean its either that or telling everyone I have a disease and THAT is sooo not happening anytime soon. I hope.

That night I called my mum. I only called her so that I could actually speak without sounding insane. Like Ryan.

I've been doing little things to annoy him though.

Things such as buttons disappearing from his jeans, or his hair products pouring themselves down the drain, his favourite cereal being eaten and my personal favourite, getting random phone calls from ladies between the ages of 24 and 80+, asking if he can give them pleasure like the poster said. Oh I love that poster dearly. Been going strong for days that thing.

Laughing at my pure geniousness wasn't great all the time though.

He always seems to get me back.

Like the time my underwear, lingerie included, ended up in the big tree in the front yard.

Or when he replaced my shampoo with green dye. That took a very long trip to the salon to fix.

OR when he tipped three cans of red bull into my smoothie when I was occupied with someone at the door and I went high. That was an embarrassing day.

But my big plan is way better than anything I've done.

I just have to get all his mates and basically the whole entire population of this town. The plan? Get Ryan to think he has died.

Simple really. I think.

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