not the usual school day

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It was just another regular day at school. I was "so"excited. I wanted to jump off a cliff. Haha, nah!  I'm just joking. I really hate school, but I'm not just going to take my life for it. People at my school are either weird or full of themselves. I didn't want to get involved with anything. I dress differently in school and out of school. It's like I'm two different people. Because of this, I became pretty much a wallflower. An outsider. An outcast. It wasn't fun but I learned to deal with it. I blend into the crowd so much, lots of people don't even know I exist. It sucks, but I try not to let it get into my head. I try to put up on this tough guy act a lot, but deep down I'm a softie. I know, I'm weak. Yeah, so, I'm not that interesting of a person...although, there is always two sides of a person, so don't judge a book by its cover...


I finished taking a shower and it was 7:00. I picked out a random outfit that I had in my closet.  A pair of jeans, a loose tee shirt, and a flannel, then I put my hair into a messy bun. Summer break ended and I was finally a junior. I was excited because that meant one more year till I'm out of this hellhole. I put my mascara & lip gloss on. I packed my inhaler and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Oh, yeah, I have asthma, I forgot to tell you. I walked into the kitchen, my parents were there, yelling at each other, as always. They were getting divorced in a few months. I was really upset about it, but they wanted it. I grabbed a pancake that was left on the counter. It was cold, but I ate it anyway. I said goodbye to my parents, but they just ignored me. I left the house and got onto my bus. I sat all the way in the back. Tears started to run down my cheeks. Thinking about my parents separating just broke my heart. In a way I felt happy for them. They won't be yelling at each other anymore. If it will make them happy, then I'm happy. Although deep down, I wanted them together, but I knew it was for the better. The bus pulled up at school and I wiped away my tears and took deep breaths. I had to calm down for school. I didn't want anyone see me like this, ever.


First period came and there was a new student in my class. He was so mysterious. He had such a nice chiseled face, nice jawline, dark brown eyes, earrings, and shiny dark brown hair. He was so....gorgeous, but I could feel he had a sense of mystery to him. He sat in the back, two seats away from mine. From where he was sitting I could see him perfectly. My chemistry teacher, Miss Blair, introduced him to us.

"Okay class, this is Ethan Dolan, he had just moved here from NJ and he is new here, so please give him a nice impression."

He sat there, silent, not making any sudden move or sound.  He turned around and looked right at me.  It felt so uncomfortable and weird.  He just stared at me.  His eyes were so big and mysterious, you can't help but get lost in them...


My lunch period was the same as usual.  Sitting by myself, eating, then getting the usual bully appointment.  I saw the group of girls that bullied me walking in my direction.  Their names were, Annalise, Paige, & Brook, the leader I should say.  She hates me.  She always calling me a piece of shit, always pushing me around and stuff, it was tiring.  I just want her to vanish into thin air if she could.  I would never fight back because I didn't want to attract any attention.  She came over and whispered in my ear, "You're a waste of space, a nothing, you should just die", and shoved me into my food tray.  I ended up getting my clothes dirty with disgusting cafeteria food. Everybody looked at me and started to laugh. How humiliating...

That mysterious Ethan boy walked by us.  He finished eating a banana and dropped the peel on the floor. As the three girls walked away, Brook slipped on the banana peel and fell on her butt. She started to whine.  Ugh, what a baby. I laughed and turned around to see Ethan.  He looked at me as he walked away, not taking his eyes off me.  I gave him a confused look.

Did he do that on purpose?
What am I talking about
I'm a freaking nobody

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