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Grayson sat on the table.

"Ethan.. what are you doing?"

"Bro, believe me when I say she can be trusted."

"NO..ethan, I can't risk being caught. She seems really nice, but no, I'm sorry, you both have to leave."

"..but that's what I came here to talk about."

"what?... you want to turn me in?"

"No, well not exactly.."

"Ethan?.. You know I can't do that right."

"Yes you can, and you will....because we need you, mom and dad need you.  Do you know how much they miss right now, especially me."

"I-I can't Eth, I could be in jail for years and I-I can't.  I'd rather stay away, maybe that'll keep mom and dad happy, maybe, it's for th-"

"Do you know how much you're hurting mom and dad by staying away?!! Huh?! It kills them.. every..time, everyday that they know you're somewhere else, and not with them.  Then I have to be the one to pick them up and tell them everything will be okay...even, when I know it won't be...it won't be Gray, not until you come..home.....they miss you Gray... they need you to come. come home."

Grayson bent his head down, "Eth I-I can-"

"I want you home Gray.  I miss you too, so much, you know? I want you to be there with us.", I looked at Gray with tears in my eyes, "I want my little brother back."

Grayson stood there for bit, then walked over to a wall full of framed pictures. Each one had either a family or two boys. I looked closer. It was younger me... with younger Grayson. I looked at each one, reminiscing about those good days.

"I remember.. when....when we would enjoy those days, just having fun, not worrying about the future. We didn't even.. care if we scored the winning point, or or made it on the sports team we wanted or even get the good grades we wanted. All that mattered was.... that, we were together.. you know?", Grayson said.

I smiled at him, "I mean yeah, I still remember, of course... remember.. that summer of freshman year, when we went everywhere doing whatever.  I even remember that time that summer, we went to that skating park, and you hit a bump on the ground and you went head first stead fast into the pavement.  You had to get stitches and everything and mom was freaking out..", I laughed.  Grayson burst laughing too.

Hearing his laugh made me happy, it's like we were finally brothers again, like we had found each other again. It's just been so long, but I was happy he was here with me.

"Look Ethan.....I miss you too, don't think I don't... of course I do, I mean as much as i want to be with you, and dad, and mom... I just don't know if I can bring myself to go back...", Gray said.

I look at him, "G.."

Out of nowhere, we hear hard knocking and yelling at the front door.  we run back to the kitchen and I see Crystal breathing heavily and frightened.  She started to have an asthma attack.  I remembered were she left it in the car.  "Open up, it's the police!!", we heard.  Oh no.

"Ethan! They've found me omg!"

I needed to get Laylah her inhaler..

But i couldn't get there, there were police men outside.

Suddenly the door breaks open and police run in with their guns up.

I knew what Grayson would do, his first thing he would do, when he was scared.  "Gray DON'T", I yell.  Before I knew it, he was fighting with the officers, punching here and there.  Soon they pushed him to the ground and couldn't  get him to calm down.

The fighting stops, but suddenly..

A gunshot was heard.

My eyes were closed, but then they opened.

As if my life ended with one look...

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