~ Chapter 1 ~

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(Disclaimer: I know criticism is meant to help an author become better at writing, but please don't. I'm not in the best of states to handle that stuff whether it's meant to help me or not. Thank you and enjoy.)

Mini's PoV

I look out the window of my math class while Mr.Wrecker teaches something that I could care less about. What I care about right now is getting the new game that everyone has been talking about. It's called 'Evolution'. It's seems pretty cool, but I haven't played it yet so I can't judge.
       The bell rings followed by the rustling of my classmates grabbing their things and leaving the class. I do the same, but before I can leave a voice calls my name. "Craig! I want to see you for a moment." Mr.Wrecker says. "Again? Mr.Wrecker always asks to see Craig after class!" "What's so special about Craig? I was told that Mr.Wrecker doesn't pick favorites." "Why won't Mr.Wrecker ask for anyone else to stay after class?!" The voices of my classmates complain in the halls.
       Favorite? I never really thought about myself as his favorite. He usually just asks me to stay because he knows I don't really pay attention in class. "What is it Mr.Wrecker?" I ask, turning around to face him. "Do you have anything on your mind? You weren't paying attention in class, again." Mr.Wrecker says while crossing his arms. I shrug my shoulders and look up at him. "Nothing much. I'm kinda excited for the new game that's coming out today, but that's it." I respond truthfully.
       "Evolution?" He questions with an eyebrow raised. "Yep." I answer. "Hm... Interesting. Just try to pay attention next time." Mr.Wrecker says before excusing me. Well, at least he didn't give me that big lecture he usually gives me when I don't pay attention. Hopefully Tyler and his friends have already left so I can hurry up and get the game. Mr.Wrecker has waisted enough of my time and I'd rather not deal with them today.
I hurry to my locker and quickly stuff my things inside, grabbing my book bag and shutting the locker back. I turn around to leave and let out an agitated sigh when I see the one I was dreading to see. "Tyler, can we not do this today? I have important things to do." I huff, looking up at the giant.
"And what makes you think you can get away from me that easily." He growls, placing his hand on the locker next to my head. "Can't you find anyone else to torment? You know, someone that isn't in a rush at the moment." I ask calmly. Tyler has been bullying me for years, so I've gotten used to him. I'd probably be freaking out right now if I didn't have something on my mind.
"You're lucky this time, Thompson. I've got places to be." Tyler states before stomping away. A grateful smile creeps up on my face before I happily make my way towards Game Stop and buy myself my brand new game. I quickly drive home and set the game up.
       I read the warnings and the instructions before taking a good look at the console. I smile before slipping it over my head and turning it on.
       I feel a rush of adrenaline before I feel myself enter the game. I look around, taking in my surroundings. I'm in some sort of medieval bedroom, laying on an old bed. I sit up and spot a desk. I stand and walk over to it. There's a piece of paper laying in the middle of the desk with a large feather on one side of it and an ink jar on the other. I read the paper and answer the questions it asks me to answer.

1. What is your username?

Answer: MiniLadd

2. Out of the following races, which would you like to be?   Elf, Angel, Demon, Werewolf, or Human?

Answer: Elf

3. Out of the following classes, which would you like to be?   Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Knight, Priest, or Shapeshifter?

Answer: Mage

       Once I finish writing, a white glow emits from the paper. I take a step back as the paper floats off of the table and disappears. "Welcome to Evolution, player. Have fun." A voice says before my vision is flooded with a white light. Once it clears, I find myself in a large room filled with hundreds of players and NPCs.
       I look around and spot a sign. Welcome to the Lobby! I sigh and look down at myself. I'm now wearing a brown robe with a rope tied around my waist and my wrists. I wonder what I look like now... I need to find a mirror or something.
       I run around the lobby to look for a mirror of some sorts, but fail. Damnit! Why can't I find a fucking mirror?! I want to know what I look like as an Elf. I give up on my search and walk out of the lobby.
       As I'm wondering around, I see a small pond. I run over to it and smile. Hey! I can see my reflection! I look at myself in the rippling water. I giggle as I poke the points of my ears. This is so cool! The only thing that could make this better is if I could find friends, but if anyone from school finds me they'll ruin it for me... I can't let anyone from school know I'm here! I need to hide myself. I pull my hood over my head so the shadow covers everything but my lips. Perfect!
       I step away from the pond and open my inventory. I click the mini map and look for the closest town. I need to earn money and claim a house so I can respawn there instead of the lobby.
       I memorize the directions and close the mini map. Alright, the town is Northwest from the lobby and I have to walk a day or two through the Mossy Swamp Forest. Sounds just peachy.

(Hi guys, this is my very first story so I hope you enjoy it! If you think I should continue it just tell me in the comments. Thank you for reading the book!)

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