Chapter Fourteen

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Zach's POV


"Dad!" I call out to my father who is busy leading some teenagers in the meeting room.

"Zach where is your brother?" He ask turning to me.

"He's gone to collect his mate." I say while looking around me. The place is busier than normal. Adults are leading their children in the meeting room.

"Dad what is going on?" I ask my father.

"Go in the meeting room. I will join you once your brother gets here. Then you all will be told of what is happening."

He pushes me inside the meeting room and I find a spot to stand on. Teenagers keep on filling inside the room and I anxiously wait for my father. He has to explain what exactly is going on.

A minute later, my uncle, who is the Lord of our clan, stands upfront and looks over to us. My brother and father walks in a second later and stand beside my uncle.

"We are under attack. The enemy is right outside our caves." My uncle states and the room falls in completely silence. He looks around the room for a bit before continuing.
"Unfortunately, we are outnumbered greatly. But we won't give up. Fleeing is the only option we have at the moment. We are not cowards by fleeing. This is a battle that will be fault best next time."

"Brother we are running out of time." My dad whispers to my uncle and he nods then call me forward.

"Zach my nephew. I crown you the leader of them all. You will look after them while in hiding. Avenge the cruel deaths of your elders." My uncle speaks firmly in a commanding sound.

"What? Dad?" I call out to my father in confusion. Why I'm I being the leader?

"You should go son. Look after the children you are taking with you. As a leader, they are your responsibility." My dad says.

"But dad. Xavier can be a leader. He's the oldest one."

"I can't be a leader little brother. I'm the guard and protector of the group. You lead and I will always be beside you and protect you." Xavier says.

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