Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Cemil's POV

It has been four days since that embarrassing night. I didn't know what came over me as I kept on talking non sensible things and made a fool out of myself in front of Zach. I couldn't forget his face that night as he stared at me as if I had just said something wonderful yet it was a simple request to have him sleep on the bed and not the uncomfortable floor.

When he held me in his arms, it felt right. I had missed and almost forgot how good it felt to be held by someone you love and who loves you back. I even felt the way his lips touched my forehead and he whispered 'good night' to me. I wanted to tell him not to stop because I wanted to feel his lips on every part of my body.

I texted with Benja on that day when I had sent Zach to collect a book for me. He's the one who had told me that I had spent two weeks with Zach. I couldn't remember the other days and only remembered a few days. That was from when I started feeling better from the waves of pain that seemed never ending. In all that time I laid in bed sick, Zach's voice was what kept me fighting. There were times that I wanted to give in to the pain and let the darkness swallow me whole but Zach's voice kept me fighting and gave me strength to reach for the dim light.

"Hey baby. What are you cooking in that mind of yours?" Zach breathed and traced kisses from my ear to my neck, nibbling on a certain spot that made me curl my toes.

"Nothing worth saying aloud." I mumbled, biting my lower lip to keep my moans in check.

Just when he started moving his hands on my body, his phone rang and he withdrew to answer the ringing device. A growl of frustration slipped off my lips as I watched him walking away which meant he didn't want me hearing the conversation. I couldn't have felt this frustrated if it was something that had not been happening these previous three days. But damn! It was the same phone call that made it impossible for Zach to go further with our touchings. I know it is the same phone call because I hear the woman on the other side greeting him before he's far enough to make me unable to hear the rest.

"Baby I have to go out for a few hours. I'll be back soon. What should I get for you?" Zach asked, coming to stand before me. My nose are hit by the cologne he's wearing at the moment.

That's another thing that had made this whole thing suspicious. After receiving the call, he tells me he's leaving and then comes back after four hours. I've known Zach as the man with no scent but the weird thing is that he sprays himself whatever, and then goes out and comes back smelling the same. Even when we went out for dates or when he would come to see me at school, he didn't had a scent on him. With all this, an alarm bell started ringing yesterday. Something was going on that I wasn't aware of and I was tired of it.

"Do you have to go? Is it that important than staying home with me?" I pouted and he kneels beside me.

"You know that you are the most important person in my life, so don't say that. I could have cancelled this meeting if it was possible but its for the best that I go. I'll come back as soon as possible." He gave me a smile and kissed my cheeks.

"Okay. I'll be waiting." I told him and he left.

I hadn't told Zach that I still felt pain in my body sometimes, mostly my stomach and every time such thing happened, I got scared for our unborn baby. With the rejection I could have died and I hated Jonathan for doing such a thing when I was pregnant but Benja assured me that Jonathan knew I wouldn't die because my wolf had already made a strong connection with Zach's being. Since Jonathan was my true mate, the pain was expected but it wasn't anything much to kill me.

Zach has just left. Can you come and pick me up so that we can talk about the issue?

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