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EDIT 2018: Hi, author here from the fuuuuterrrrr. Just letting y'all know if you're picking this book up for the first time that later chapters aren't as cringey and badly written as the first few, things can only go up from here lmao. I still encourage y'all to check these first few one-shots out, because they took me a while to write and they hold a special place in my heart, but that being said you have been warned haha and if you just wanna skip ahead no one would blame you. (,:

Lauren's POV:

"Ooh la la, what is Lorenzo getting all dressed up for?"
Dani parades into my room while I'm doing my makeup without even knocking, classic Dani. 

"Ever heard of knocking you runt? I'm going on a date with Scott, we're heading to the movies and then maybe dinner after."
Dani snatched the eyebrow pencil out of my hand and spun my chair around to finish my makeup than I am. She may be my younger sister, but there's no arguing that she's wayyy better at makeup then I am. Needless to say, I didn't feel the need to protest as she filled in my left eyebrow and continued to talk. 

"What movie are you two seeing?"

"Me Before You, I heard it's really good and I actually convinced Scott to see a weepy romance film with me for once. He's not exactly thrilled, but it's our 5 month anniversary so, he said we could do whatever I wanted. Isn't he the sweetest?"

Dani ignored my question and asked one of her own.
"Oh! Can I third wheel? I've been dyingggg to see that movie, and none of the other girls will take me. Please? You won't even know I'm there!"

I laughed at her comment. Dani not making her presence known? Hilarious. She's been tagging along an awful lot with me and Scott lately, and it's embarrassing to admit but occasionally the way she acts so buddy-buddy around Scott makes me nervous. But that being said, Dani's my best friend and Scott's the best boyfriend I've ever had, so I trust them 100%. I'm just being the jealous girlfriend I most definitely do not want to be.

"Um, yeah I guess so. Given Scott doesn't mind and you don't  tick us off, you can tag along I suppose."
Dani smiled widely and finished up my eyebrows.

"I knew I called you Sugar for a reason!"


"So babe, you sure you don't wanna watch a horror movie instead? We can cuddle real close when you get scared and-"
I pecked Scott on the lips mid-sentence to shut him up which quickly turned into a small make out session, he had a way of doing that. He laughed through the kiss before the 3 of us stepped out of his truck and made our way into the movie theater. 

"Get a room would ya? Sheesh, I came here to eat popcorn, not watch you two make out!"
I laughed and punched Dani in her arm playfully as we made our way to the ticket booth.

"3 tickets for Me Before You, please."
Scott asked politely. The lady at the widow smiled while he payed her and she handed him the tickets to theater number 6.

I was texting Lisa to let her know what time we'd be home when I couldn't help but notice from the corner of my eye, Dani grabbing and holding Scott's hand. Why did she want to hold his hand? Before I could ask any questions Scott cleared his throat and spoke.

"Well Laur, why don't you go grab the candy, popcorn, and soft drinks while me and Dani head into the theater to save seats. We'll meet you in there afterwards, kay babe?"

Stop being so paranoid Lauren, this is your loving boyfriend and little sister you're worried about right now.
"Yeah, of course. I'll see you in there."
I pecked him on the lips and saw Dani grimace at me from the corner of my eye before the two of them left and I got in line for the concession stand. 

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