-Never Have I Ever-

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Dani's POV:

"Are y'all okay in there? You've been in the bathroom for some time and we're getting kinda worried..."
I pull my mouth away from Lauren's reluctantly, breathing heavily as Ava knocks again on the bathroom door. Lauren's eyes fill with panic but I set a hand on her soft thigh, calming her down and gesturing towards the locked door. She sighs in relief and I smile, wrapping my arms around her waist and helping to slide her off from the bathroom counter she'd been sitting on to match my height. 

"We'll be right out!"
I shout over the loud music, the base turned up so loud it practically shakes the entire cabin. 
"Babe I don't wanna go back out there."
I give Lauren a sympathetic smile, squeezing the hand that's firmly held in mine and pressing our foreheads together momentarily so she feels just a little bit safer. 

The both of us had agreed to stay the weekend up at a friend of our's, Bailee's, cabin. We hadn't anticipated that there would be quite this many other friends up though, and we hadn't anticipated that needing to hide our 7 month long relationship would be quite this difficult either. It probably should have crossed our minds at one point or another that other people would be here, other GUYS, and that these guys were going to try an hit on us, but of course it didn't, so now we were stuck at a weekend long party filled with drunk and horny teens, the majority of which had no idea that the both of us were taken. By each other. 

"It won't be that bad Laur, not as bad as yesterday anyway, there's only like 5 other people still here. Just stick with me, okay?"
Lauren nodded her head but I could see the nervousness in her deep eyes after last night. I shuttered, remembering how Lauren sat up the whole night crying, wishing we could just tell everyone the truth, before falling asleep restlessly in my arms. An entire weekend of pretending to be nothing more than sisters and best friends just sent her over the edge, I guess. I mean home was tough enough, what with our whole life being recorded on camera, and this weekend turned out to be anything but an escape. 

I kissed her quickly on the cheek, running a thumb over her bottom lip to stop her from biting before opening the bathroom door, relieved to find that I was pretty accurate in saying only a handful of people had stuck around till Sunday. Ava, Bailee, and Zoe were all sitting on the couch, playing around on their phones, Tana and Josh were making out in the corner, both of which had significant others but chances were they wouldn't after this weekend of fuckery, and then lastly were Mason and Cal, both standing in the corner with beers and staring shamelessly as we re-ented the living room. 

"There you guys are, we were just about to play a game of suck and blow."
Bailee smiles at us, standing up from the couch, turning down Josh's loud music much to his dismay, and handing each of us a red solo cup. I smile back, taking a small sip, but swallow hard thinking of participating in the game. Thinking of Lauren or myself inevitably kissing someone else and erasing the taste of her from my lips. Lauren looks at me with wide eyes, waiting for me to remedy the situation for us like I always do. 
"Oh, we're just gonna watch this round I think."

Bailee and the others groan, Mason and Cal stalking towards us as the others form a sloppy circle in the cozy room's center. 
"Well I've got something else in mind the two of you could blow if that's the prob-"
Bailee hits Cal in the arm, interrupting him as he bursts into laughter. Lauren holds my hand tighter.
"Shut up Calvin!"

Zoe chimes in from the floor, flopping over onto Tana in her clearly drunken state. 
"You guys used to be so fuuuun at parties, well 'specially you Dan. What happened?"
Ava rolls her eyes, wiping drool from Zoe's chin and giving the both of us a sympathetic look. Ava didn't know me and Lauren were dating per say, we'd never officially told her like we'd never officially told anyone, but I was confident that as the smartest one here she had a pretty good idea about what was going on. In addition to this, I also had the feeling she was roped into this weekend's partying, so we were in similar boats.

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