-A Lot Like Love-

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A/N This one-shot focuses on the subject of domestic violence/abuse. If this is triggering or offends you please read with caution. I do not condone any of the events which take place in this story, hopefully this one-shot will shine a light on this unfortunate epidemic and bring awareness to others.
If any of these situations are happening in your relationship, or to someone you know talk to someone you trust or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline (available 24/7/365): 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE).

Without help, the abuse will continue.

Lauren's POV:

"Alright, this was a good band meeting everyone and I'm hyped for the next cover, but I'm heading over to Duncan's house now. He's coming over for dinner tonight so I'll see all of you then."

A cacophony of goodbyes sounded around the room as I left our band meeting to meet my boyfriend, Duncan, at his house. He was coming over for dinner tonight, we've been dating for 3 months now but my sisters are still warming up. I don't understand why they have to give him such a hard time, he's a really sweet guy if they'd just give him a chance but Lisa especially is convinced he's "bad for me". Don't they know I'm almost 18? I get that they're my big sisters but, pretty sure I can pick my own boy friends.

I'll admit, Duncan can be a real hot head and has an awful temper, but that doesn't make him a bad person. And he only gets mad when I mess up or make him upset so really it's my fault, not his. And occasionally he drinks more then he should, which is not only illegal but a terrible habit considering I strictly don't drink. But underneath his rough exterior and all his flaws he's a softy, he's my fixer-upper and I love him just as much as he loves me. After all, no one is perfect. 

I hop in the car and begin the short drive to Duncan's house, he lives only a few blocks over. As I pull into his driveway and put the car in park I pull out my phone to check the time. 4:44pm. Oh god, I'm 14 whole minutes late Duncan is going to be so mad at me, God I screw everything up don't I!? I quickly put my phone away, straightened myself up, and hurried towards Duncan's house. I neglected to knock knowing it wouldn't bother him if I just walked in, his parents weren't home at all this week so I prepared myself to get rightfully yelled at. 

Not a few seconds after I'd stepped inside the house was my forearm gripped tightly in Duncan's rough hands and I was whipped around to face him while I was yelled at.
"14 minutes late Laur? REALLY? Who the HELL do you think you are!? When I ask you to be here at a CERTAIN FUCKING TIME, I expect you to be here at that SPECIFIC TIME! UNDERSTOOD?" 

I nodded my head and this pissed him off further and I but my lip as he dug his nails into my arm in rage. 

"I-I'm sorry Duncan it won't h-happen again, I understand I sh-should have been here on time."
He looks satisfied with my answer and finally lets go of my now scraped and tender forearm, hopefully that doesn't bruise. 

Duncan goes in for a kiss on the lips and as I peck him my nostrils fill with the putrid smell of alcohol on his breath, my family will never accept Duncan if they know he drinks! I TOLD him specifically not to drink today because of the dinner with my family. I was suddenly pretty upset, doesn't he want my family to like him? I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't raise my voice, Duncan was already in a bad mood because of me.

I pulled a piece of mint gum out of my purse and casually offered it to him as we made our way up the stairs to his bedroom so he could finish getting ready for dinner. He declined, but he really needed this gum if my family weren't to completely disown him, something had to help with his awful breath which reeked of Bud Budweiser. 

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