-Make You Feel My Love-

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(A/N) Feel free to listen to the song I have linked above while reading. (:
Enjoy! xx

Dani's POV:

"Wow you look hot today, well I mean you look hot EVERY day, but today especially Sugar. Watching you sing and roll around on that couch...fuck."
I said, smirking at Lauren and eyeing her up and down. She was wearing a white long sleeved shirt with a black checkered design and an adorable little collar. She was wearing blue, jean, high-waisted shorts that had attached jean suspenders that she was wearing over shoulders. And finally a white overcoat tied cutely around her waist. 

Lauren smiled, rolling her gorgeous eyes and smacking my arm gently. 
"Shut up."
She said, and I faked an appalled expression playfully. 
"What!? I'm not aloud to call my GIRLFRIEND hot?"

She smiled widely, looking at me and biting her bottom lip, I felt like wrapping my arms around her waist, lifting her up off her feet and swinging her around in the air, safe in my arms right then and there.  
"Gosh do I love hearing you say that. Calling me your girlfriend haha. I've been waiting and dreaming of you calling me that for what feels like forever, and it's even better to be considered yours and to call you mine then I ever could've imagined."

She said, a slight shade of red flushing vibrantly across her cheeks.
"Well lucky for you I love saying it. But you know what I like doing even MORE now that you're my gorgeous girlfriend?"
Lauren looked at me again, faking an angry expression for making her blush but I could see she was laughing in between glares. 

She asked, trying to hide the anticipation in her beautiful sing-song voice. It made me smile, God did I love her.
I leaned forward, cupping her cheek with one hand and wrapping the other halfway around her waist. I pressed my lips against her's gently, letting her smile and then ease into the kiss. I was smiling too, I loved the way her lips felt against mine, moving in sync like a gorgeous dance. It was soft, and gentle, but full of passion all at the same time, nothing had ever felt so right. 

I pulled away hurriedly at the sound of Lisa's voice, she was standing at the sets edge with an amused grin on her face. Our entire family knew me and Lauren were together, in fact they were present when I asked her out just yesterday and we officially began dating. They all supported us completely, but the older girls LOVED to playfully tease us about it, especially Lisa of course.
"Sorry to interrupt you two love birds, but last time I checked we're filming a music video not porn."

Lauren screeched at her in embarrassment, her face as red as a beet just at the thought. It made me laugh, I loved how innocent and adorable she could be. Lisa laughed too, and Lauren merely crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at the both of us. I stopped laughing and put my hand at the back of her neck, moving her head forward so I could quickly peck her on the lips, that sure got her smiling again. 

"Lauren, the director wants you, he needs to get a few more shots apparently."
Lisa informed us, me and Lauren both groaning in unison, her at having to film more and me at being without Lauren. 
"Well you can tell the director to shove it because I want to spend time with my Sugar."
Lisa rolled her eyes laughing under her breath.
"You two I swear to God, okay fine I'll cover for you, you have 10-15 minutes in the dressing room but that's IT."

"Thanks Lise!"
I shouted over my shoulder to Lisa, grabbing Lauren's hand, intertwining her crooked fingers with my own, and practically dragging her to our dressing room. Lauren laughed from behind me at my eagerness, her giggle was to die for. We reached the room, shutting the door behind us and plopping down together on the couch in exhaustion. We were both tired, we were filming our 2nd music video of the day and had been on set filming since the early morning. 

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