-Acid Paint-

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"Paint me a picture
 Show me your colors "

"Paint me a picture Show me your colors "

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Lauren's POV:

I sat on my bed, the fairy lights behind me that gleamed from my bed's headboard lit up the white paper in front of me as I sat with my tanned legs tucked beneath one another and reached for my already damp paint brush. I smoothed the soft bristles with my crooked finger tips before gently dipping it into my mess of a mixing pallet. Paints dripped and mixed with one another creating new colors entirely as I searched for the right skin tone.   

I touched the brush to the empty page and let my hand move freely, making long, smooth strokes. The skin was too pale, nothing much like her beautifully tan skin but it would have to do. I lost track of time as I painted, the minutes melting into hours much the same as the paints melted into one another and my mind melted into another place entirely where I breathed the syllables of her name and felt her eyes on my skin sending ripples through my body. 

I thought about her as I painted, well I always think about her  but when I paint especially. She's like my muse. There are bits and pieces of her in everything I do. Every thought that crosses my mind every picture I paint every song I write, it's all her. 

Dani came bounding into my room, yelling loudly before cutting herself after she  realized that the sudden noise had made me jump and scared me into spilling the pallet of paints all over my lap. 

"Oh dammit, uh my bad Laur."
I just laughed to myself as I looked at the array of paint that stained my bare calves and jean shorts while Dani giggled along, at least I hadn't ruined my painting. 

Dani sat at the edge of the bed, studying my painting as I grabbed a towel from my bed side table and began wiping down my legs before I stained my clean, white sheets. Dani admired my half finished painting of 2 hands holding each other before walking to the other-side of the room to pilfer through a folder of more half finished drawings and paintings I'd started and abandoned. 

The room was nicely quiet as I uselessly to wipe the wet paint off my shorts, the denim had already absorbed the color however and were most definitely ruined. 
"So...when're you gonna tell Lisa you have the biggest lesbian crush on her? OH, can I snap-chat it when you tell her? The fans are going to DIE." 

My face turned bright red as I gasped and turned to face a cackling Dani, my mouth wide open in shock, horror, and mainly embarrassment. 
"H-how did you-?"

Dani cut me off as I stuttered mid-sentence, she was still out of breath from laughing.
"It's obvious you like her Lauren, like the folder full of paintings and drawings titled "Laurisa" wasn't a dead give away."

I stomped over to her and snatched the folder out of her hand as she held it up and laughed. 
"Not funny Daniel. Does L-Lisa know?"
Dani shook her head truthfully and I sighed in relief sitting back down on the bed with the manila folder in my hands, how mortifying that would have been. It's already bad enough that evidently Dani knows.

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