-Forget The World-

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Lauren's POV:

Dani: I'm sorry.

Dani: Lauren Please.

4 Missed Calls From: Dani

Dani: I feel awful Sugar.

Dani: Please let me explain?

2 Missed Calls From: Dani

Dani: I didn't mean it. 

Dani: She meant NOTHING to me. 

Dani: I love YOU Lauren, and only you. 

Dani: She was a mistake okay, I made a mistake. 

1 Missed Call From: Dani

Dani: Please, just give me another chance. 

Dani: I'm sorry Laur I'm so sorry. 

1 Missed Call From: Dani

Dani: Lauren please reply?

2 Missed Calls From: Dani

Dani: I can't lose you Laur I love you too much. 

Dani: I'm sorry Sugar. 

1 Missed Call From: Dani

Dani: Just talk to me!

Dani: Please?

I sighed and threw my phone down on the bed, it buzzed as another notification, no doubt from Dani, went through the moment it hit my white, cotton sheets. I rolled my head back and laid it against my wooden headboard in defeat, letting the tears in my brown eyes fall with no longer any disregard. My phone continued to vibrate from message after message as I sobbed. The hot tears made it feel as if the room were a hundred degrees hotter, my grey pajama shorts and black tank-top I'd been wearing for 4 days now stuck to my tan skin as fat tear drops rolled down my cheeks. 

A knock sounded at my door, before she even spoke I knew it was Lisa. It certainly wasn't Dani, she knew I wasn't going to let her in so didn't bother to come check up on me and instead just loved to spam my phone. Or, she didn't care enough to show up. Either way she was staying at the older girl's house until things "blow over" between me and her. 

Lisa on the other hand has been trying to get me to talk with her or unlock my bedroom door for the past 4 days I'd been in here, wallowing around in the broken fragments of my heart. 
"Ladybug? I heard you crying...again. I um, I'm really worried Lauren. Can you at least say something to me? Just, just let me know you're okay? I miss your voice." 

My heart ached at the sound of Lisa's strained voice, you could hear the genuine concern within each of her breaths as she stood outside the door. She was trying so hard, and it was getting more and more difficult to ignore her each time she came knocking. 
"I uh, I brought up your dinner. I left last nights outside the door but, I don't think you ever came to get it...you really need to eat. I'm...I'm seriously concerned Lauren, I just want you to be okay. I NEED you to be okay. I know things are hard right now, I know you're hurt but, let me help okay? Please Ladybug?"

As Lisa's voice trailed off I heard sniffles, and I knew she was crying. I felt the pieces of my heart break even farther apart, the remaining threads ripping in jagged lines at the thought of Lisa crying, tears should never fall from eyes as beautiful as her's. There wasn't anyway I was strong enough to keep ignoring her, even though I knew opening that door would be both figuratively and literally letting another person in. 

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