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WARNING: You know the drill, GirlxGirl and incestuous shit, if you've got a problem get the hell out, if you don't then thanks for not being a dick. Enjoy the one-shot! :)

Dani's POV:

I was so incredibly hyped, I'd just gotten off the phone with Lisa who said her and Amy were going to the fair tonight and she offered to bring me, Lauren, and Ellie along if we wanted to go. I already called Ellie and she was just as excited as I was, now just to convince Lauren. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't dying for her to come with us, it's been forever it feels like since she's come out to do something with me and some of the girls. Ever since we filmed our Used To Love You cover, things between us have been...off to say the least. 

I never should have kissed her, I wasn't thinking and it just happened. Well that's a lie, I WAS thinking, thinking about Lauren and how great she looked that day in all black with her blue striped flannel and her matching blue eyeliner, how kissable her lips were...she was so beautiful that day. And when she tripped and fell on top of me, laughing, smiling down at me and staring through me with her warm brown eyes I couldn't resist leaning in and crashing my lips into hers. 

I'd dreamed of this moment, where I'd build up the courage to finally kiss my older sister and she'd kiss me back, wrapping her arms around my neck or around my thin waist and she'd pull away out of breath, smiling to confessing her love for me. But of course, the actual kiss went nothing like my dream. Lauren pulled away the minute my lips brushed hers, her entire face flushing a dark crimson red as she got off of me and left awkwardly without a word. I didn't know if she liked it, or if she hated it, all I did for sure was scare her.

I tried apologizing a million times, saying it was all just an accident or some misunderstanding, and Laur laughed it off saying it was all fine, but really I knew there was more to it that I just couldn't put my finger on, at least that's what it felt like. Since then things have been odd, I made things weird, good weird or bad weird I don't know and I don't care, I'm just determined to get us back to normal. It hurt to know Lauren probably didn't love me quite the way I loved her, but I at least wanted my Sugar back. If I needed to hide my true feelings for her so things between the both of us could be normal again, then so be it. 

I bounded up the steps, my long legs allowing me to make large strides, taking the steps two at a time. I reached Lauren's bedroom door that was across from mine, I was too excited to knock so I just swung her door open without thinking twice about it. I really should have thought twice about it however, because there in front of me was Lauren, wearing only a pair of black underwear and nothing else. 

My freckled cheeks turned bright red as did Lauren's as she turned away from me so her bare-back and butt faced me instead of her exposed chest. Lauren only laughed nervously with a hint of irritation in her voice from embarrassment. 
"Jesus, ever heard of knocking Dan?"

I also laughed, less nervously then her. I couldn't stop myself from sneaking a peek at her from a corner of my eye, taking in her behind. Those underwear were definitely too small for her, but they squeezed her think thighs and round ass in all the right places so I wasn't complaining. I studied her toned legs and perfectly meaty thighs and the way her shoulder blades stuck out at just the right angle. She quickly untangled her black, lacy bra which matched her underwear before buckling it against her back and straightening out the straps. 

"So uh, are you gonna come in or, did you just walk in on me naked so you could stand in the door way and stare at me while I change?"
Now it was my turn to be embarrassed, I was unaware that she knew I was staring but also surprised that she didn't...mind?

I laughed and slowly came into her room, sitting down on her bed and crossing my legs as I watched her bend over in just her black underwear and bra to search through her bottom drawer for some pants I'm assuming. Call me a pervy little sister all you want, but that was one fine ass view. Literally. I eventually tore my eyes away from my beautiful sister so that I could actually form the words I'd come to say. 

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