-Hey There Lauren-

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This chapter was inspired by the song Hey There Delilah by the Plain White T's. Feel free to listen to the song while reading. <3 Also to avoid confusion, Lauren and Lisa are not sisters in this story. HOPE YOU ENJOY! :D

DISCLAIMER: This chapter contains girl x girl (Nothing explicit) material. If you have a problem please take your close-minded ass elsewhere. Thanks :)

Lauren's POV:

The final bell rang and my heart skipped a beat as I leapt up from my desk, gathered together the loose papers and folders I had lying around and, made a mad dash for the door. I hurried out of the classroom and down the hallway mumbling apologies as I bumped into a million people on the way out. 

Today was Friday, and on Fridays there was always only one incredible thing on my mind:
Now a days we could only ever find time to Skype one another on Fridays,what with her classes and mine all while she maintained a social life and I just maintained to myself it was definitely getting harder to make time but we always did. After another cruddy week my heart was aching to see that beautiful smile. 

Just before I could reach the large double-doors that were screaming my name and had freedom written all over them I was grabbed from behind, someone had their hand gripped tightly around the neck of my t-shirt. I was yanked backwards and flung around as all the folders and papers I'd been holding spilled to the crowded hallway and were trampled on students as they ran to catch the buses home. 

"And where is the freak going in such a hurry? Oh let me guess, to go talk to her imaginary girlfriend at home?"
I tried to get out of Kendra, the school bully's, grasp but it was no use as she clasped her other hand around my left wrist and 3 of her friends loomed behind her, giggling at my position. I sighed a closed my eyes, pretending that I was anywhere but here. 

"Please leave me alone today Kendra? I don't have a girlfriend, I'm not even gay!"
This was a lie, obviously I was gay, and ever since my ex-bestfriend told the whole school about my sexuality it wasn't a very well hidden secret. 

"Yeah right, you're about as straight as your fucked up fingers Cimorelli. What do ya say we hit the dyke till she turns straight girls?"
Tears brimmed my brown eyes, please not today. 

"Kendra please-"
Before I could even get my sentence out I got pushed making me stumble backwards and land hard on the ground. The few kids whom were still in the hallway only laughed as Kendra and her friends began punching and kicking me, spitting out insults that burned me like venom. 


I closed my eyes and tried to picture Lisa hugging me tightly, drowning their insults out with her soothing voice telling me everything would be alright as she ran her fingers through my hair and let me sob into her chest. 

Finally the hits stopped coming and Kendra laughed loudly along with her friends before walking off and leaving me motionless on the ground. I stayed on the floor until their footsteps had disappeared down the hallway before standing up from the ground as quickly as I could. Every part of my body ached and as I touched my hand to my face I found blood gushing from my nose and fat lip.

 I sighed loudly and used my sleeve to wipe up some of the blood dripping down my face before gathering up the few papers and folders that hadn't been completely trampled by students and made my way outside to my parked bicycle. The words Kendra and the other girls had called me replayed through my head as I pedaled down the sidewalk and tried to stop crying. Why do kids have to be so mean? How does my sexuality bother you? Can't I just be happy?

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