-Up At Night-

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Lauren's POV:

"Hey Moose."
I coo my older sister's nickname sweetly, draping my arms around Lisa's neck from behind and pecking her on the cheek. I smile to myself, breathing in the sweet perfume that coats her neck and waiting patiently for her reply. To my surprise, it doesn't come. Instead, one of Lisa's sharp elbows is dug into my protruding rib cage, causing me to unexpectedly yelp in pain and tumble backwards onto the ground. I look up at her in shock as she hovers over me, a disgusted look on her face. 

"Disgusting, don't ever touch me like that again Lauren. God  ya know what, don't even go near me. Ever. I can't STAND being around a sinning dyke like you, what with you're disturbing little crush on me, have fun in hell you disgrace. I'm ashamed to have the same last name."
Tears flow down my cheeks in streams, air catching in my throat as my mouth hangs open in shock.

"But I, I thought you l-loved me."
"Me? Love YOU? What a fucking ridiculous idea."
"But-but we kissed, d-did that mean nothing to y-you?"
"It was a stupid mistake Lauren, just like you."


I sat up in bed with a start, my breathing rapid and tears smudged across my newly damp face from crying in my sleep. I glance around my dark room, sighing in relief at the realization that it was all merely a dream. God, that nightmare was far too real feeling for comfort, just as terrifyingly real as the other 6 nightmares involving Lisa and my love for her I've had this past week alone. The bags under my brown eyes make it obvious that SOMETHING'S keeping me up, just, no one suspects that 'something' to be a 'someone' and that that 'someone' is my older sister Lisa. 

I place my clammy hand against my chest, feeling my heart thump rapidly beneath my skin at the horrific possibility  of nightmares such as that becoming a reality. My skin is sticky and glistening with a sheen of sweat despite the cold weather, and my mouth is unbearably dry. I reach for my water bottle on my bedside table, grabbing my cellphone as well now that I'm fully awake and realizing there's very little possibility that my racing mind will allow me to fall back to sleep. 

I unscrew the cap to my plastic bottle, gulping down several sips of water greedily before picking my phone up and wincing at the bright screen. My eyes adjust to the sudden light change after a few minutes or so, and I'm able to read the time displayed across my lock screen. 2:36AM. Sighing I unlock my phone,  logging into Tumblr to scroll through my feed idly until my rapid breathing and worked-up mind can agree to let me sleep again. 

Unsurprisingly my mind kept looping back to Lisa, back to what happened the day we were filming our cover of Perfect a month or so back. We've hardly talked since then, things have certainly been awkward to say the least, and frankly I miss her. I feel like I ruined everything that day, and I'm unbelievably terrified that I'm never going to be able to fix it. 

As I'm going through all that had happened that day I'm ridiculously surprised to see a post from Lisa show up in my feed, what's she doing awake? I like and reblog the typical hipster-looking picture quickly, and not even a few minutes later I received a text from Lisa asking what the Hell I'm doing awake. I smile like an idiot just reading the letters in the beautiful name meant just for her. 'L' 'i' 's' and 'a', all four of them working together in perfect unison to spell her name across my screen and make my heart swell like a balloon. 

Lisa: wat the hell're you doing up laur?

Lauren: woke up and cant fall back asleep sleep, wbu?

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