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WARNING: This one-shot contains GirlxGirl material. If this bothers you, kindly fuck off. :) Thank you!  

(A/N) In this one-shot not all of the girls are sisters, I broke the 6 of them up into 2 families :) Lisa, Amy, and Katherine are all still related while Dani, Lauren, and Christina are all related in a separate family.

This one shot was (slightly) based off and inspired by the song Invisible by Hunter Hayes. If you would like to listen to it while reading a video is above ^^^ :3

 In this one-shot the girl's ages have been changed to fit the plot. Their ages are as follows:
Christina: 23, Lauren: 16, Dani: 15
Katherine: 24, Lisa: 17, Amy: 16

This is my longest one-shot yet at over 5000 WORDS!! IT TOOK FOREVER BUT IT'S FINALLY DONE SO I REALLLLY HOPE Y'ALL LIKE IT! Enjoy Lovelies!! <3

Lisa's POV:

"Lisa Michelle, are you getting ready!?"
My older sister Katherine's motherly voice echoed up the stairs from the kitchen where she was no doubt cooking me and my younger sister, Amy, breakfast. I sighed and stopped scrolling through my Instagram feed, putting down my phone on the bathroom counter so I could actually finish getting ready for school.

"Yes Kath!"
I screamed back loud enough for her to hear before continuing to wing out my eyeliner. I was going for a smokey eye look to go with my much edgier then usual outfit. I was wearing a pair of high waisted, distressed jean shorts and an all black crop top from Forever 21 that said in white print "I'm off limits.". Okay, maybe it wasn't THAT edgy, but I felt edgy and that was as good an excuse as any for me to do a smokey eye. 

I finished up my eyeliner and the rest of my makeup, satisfied with my look as I played with my 2 dark brown french braids that reached the middle of my back and took one final look at myself in the mirror. I grabbed my book bag from my bed and slipped on my white converse before leaving my neat bedroom and bounding down the steps to find Amy already seated at the table, eating her breakfast. Kath must have already gone off to work, she was such a good big sister. 

"Morning Ames."
I said cheerfully as I took my seat at the table beside Amy and began loading my plate with the scrambled eggs and bacon Katherine had cooked for us. 

"Well someone is in a good mood! Who's the lucky guy or gal haha?"
Amy said jokingly, she giggled as I gave her a playfully annoyed look. 

"Oh so just because I'm in a good mood it now means I must have a crush?! Is it illegal for your big sis to just be feeling chipper?"
I asked Amy as I continued shoveling forkful after forkful of still warm scrambled eggs into my mouth. Amy gave me a skeptical look and tried to hide her smile. 

"You? Chipper? On a Monday morning? Unlikely, now spill!"
I rolled my eyes and laughed, she knew me far too well. 

"Fine, you caught me. There's someone, but it's just a silly crush that I developed this past week and I've only ever talked to her once and hardly see her around since we're in different grades. Her Instagram sure has me interested though haha"

"Okay so it's a girl, who's in another grade. Which grade?"
Amy asked me anxiously. I giggled, finding it highly amusing that she was so interested in my pansexual love life. 

"Your grade, actually."
Amy gasped beside me and I nearly spit my orange juice everywhere.

"Oh my gosh so she's a Sophomore!!? Is it Vanessa? Tori? Amber? Samantha? Oh what about Julia?! Maybe Sarah?"  

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