-Behind The Scenes-

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Dani's POV:

"Hey Sugar."
I pounce onto the couch Lauren's sitting on in our dressing room, plopping down on the cushion beside her and leaning forward till my lips meet her cheek and I kiss her momentarily. She looks up from her phone at me and smiles, her red, flushed face making my heart flutter with the flock of migrating butterflies in my stomach. You'd think after dating for 7 months and 2 weeks she wouldn't make me feel so nervous and giddy just by smiling anymore, but without fail she always does. I'm pretty confident that no amount of time will ever change that.

"Hey Spice, where's everyone?"
Lauren asks me sweetly, kissing me back on the cheek as well and setting her phone down so she's focused on me.
"Out to lunch, I knew with your stomach bug you wouldn't want to go out so I thought I'd stay here with you just to make sure you're okay haha."
"Aw Dan! You didn't have to do that I would've been fine on my own, now you're gonna miss lunch."

Lauren playfully hits me in the arm for choosing to stay here at the venue, but guilt is written across her gorgeous face and I can tell she feels genuinely bad.
"Well maybe YOU would've been fine but I would've missed you to pieces! I wanted to stay here with you ya cutie."
Lauren rolls her eyes and shakes her head at me but her smile returns which makes me immediately and immensely happy.

I grab Lauren's hand, intertwining her perfectly crooked fingers in mine before leaning against her side and resting my head on her shoulder. Lauren proceeds to then lay her head on top of my own, I love being this close to her. I breathe deeply, inhaling the smell of her musky, woodland smelling cologne mixed with her lavender scented shampoo and smile to myself, can't we stay like this forever? With my warm skin sticking to her's? With her hair tickling at my bare arms? With her hand interlocked forever in mine?

"Can you teach me?"
I sit up, reluctantly moving my head away from her shoulder to look at Lauren, a curious smile spread across my face. She smiles back shyly, a shade of red undertones her tan skin and she bites at her bottom lip not only driving me insane but also letting me know she's nervous. She tilts her head slightly to the left, signaling to my black guitar that's stood up in it's stand near out dressing room's corner.

"Can you, um could you maybe I don't know, teach me to play ya think? One day?"
I squeeze Laur's hand reassuringly, she's so cute when she's shy but I often wish she'd learn already that there's no real need for it around me. I'm her little sister and girlfriend, I'm gonna love her no matter what, forever and always.
"I'd love yo teach you babe, can't promise I'm the greatest teacher but hey I'd gladly give it a go haha."

I stand up from the couch and walk over to my guitar, carefully taking it from my stand and walking back over to the couch.
"Can I just watch first?"
I smile at Lauren and she smiles back, seeing my cheerful demeanor she thankfully stops fidgeting with her fingers and relaxes a small bit.

"Of course, I'll go slow and you can just watch my fingers okay?"
I giggle to myself at the unintentionally dirty sounding sentence, Lauren simply rolls her eyes and shakes he head disapprovingly as I desperately try to stifle my laugh. You can see the hint of a smile on her lips however, and so I wink at her playfully before recomposing and readying myself to play my guitar. I set my fingers atop the correct strings and begin strumming, I smile at the feeling of Lauren's gorgeous, brown eyes staring and intently focused on me.

I begin playing the beginning chords to the song "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes, it's always been me and Lauren's "song"since I sung it to her during our very first date. I remember it perfectly, I'd spent weeks planning that night, and it all went just perfectly. I played her this song on my guitar right after the picnic we'd had, and I remember she started crying right around the second verse.

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