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(n.) finding something good without looking for it
"She was my serendipity."

Dani's POV: 

"Daniiiii it's so cold out here!!!" 
I laughed as Lauren whined, flinging herself into my arms and pouting. I rubbed my warm hands up and down her arms lovingly, still giggling to myself.
"Oh shut it, I just wanted you to see that it was snowing!"
I spoke defensively, but all while wrapping my arms around Lauren's waist so our bodies were pressed together and my forehead was resting against her's. 

"I could see it was snowing just fine from my window, lady."
Lauren grumbled, slipping her forehead away from mine and burying her face into my chest. I smiled and watched the snow flakes dance around us, slowly drifting from the still-dark morning sky like speckles from the silhouette of a moon that hung overhead. 

The sun would rise up over the shadow of hills in the distance any minute now, casting rays of different, warm pastels until the flakes glimmered like stars. But I could tell my sleepy, grumpy, and supposedly 'freezing' girlfriend wouldn't appreciate standing out in our driveway with pajamas still on much longer, so I decided the view of a sunrise would have to look just as beautiful from her bedroom window that looked out into the front yard. 

"FIIINE you're such a jerk, you win." 
She looked up at me, with sleepy, deep brown eyes that melted my heart and a sly smirk playing at her lips. Wispy condensation smoke tumbled from her mouth as she spoke, clouding above our head just to show how truly cold it was outside after all.
"I usually do."

I rolled my eyes as she giggled, God her laugh was cute. We walked up the porch steps together, my arms still wrapped around her as we entered the house. I closed the front door behind us as quietly as I could manage to, the last thing we needed was the whole household awake at six in the morning. I noticed Lauren shaking violently in my arms, shivering from the cold, and I felt kind of guilty for having dragged her out of bed. 

"C'mon babes, let's go back to bed."
"Will you stay in my bed with me tonight? I'm freezing and, you're so warm."
I smiled at her sleepy, adorable voice, guiding her slowly towards the stairs and keeping my arms secured around her tightly.
"For you Laur, anything."


"Please don't gooooo."
I sighed as Lauren whined and buried her head even deeper into the crook of my neck, our bodies pressed so closely together I thought any moment now we might merge as one. Her leg was draped over mine, and her arm was wrapped tightly around my waist in her best effort to make me stay wrapped up in bed with her, tangled in warm blankets.

"Laur you know I need to go get ready, I volunteer down at that shelter on Saturdays, remember?"
Lauren groaned into my neck, her warm breath on my skin sending shivers down my spine.
"Can't you just, call in sick or something?"
She grumbles hopefully and I laugh, prying her arms off from around my waist reluctantly. 

"Shh, go back to sleep Sugar it's early."
I crawl out of her bed carefully, immediately missing her touch once my feet hit the cold, wooden floorboards. I turn around to look at her, the sun streaming in from her window casting elegant shadows of gold across her tan skin. Her eyes sparkle in the light as she looks up at me and pouts, her bottom lip sticking out ever so slightly. 

I smile warmly, leaning down and kissing her gently on the forehead. This makes her smile and I relax, nothing makes me happier than that gorgeous expression on a gorgeous girl. 
"Two in the afternoon?"
She asks me, yawning at the end of her sentence and burrowing deeper into her blankets. It was a chilly morning, that was for sure, and the grass outside was frosted with a thin sheet of ice from this morning's early snowfall. 

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